i'm not one of your many toys...can't remember the words...don't tell me what to do, and don't tell me what to say...forgot the words.... yes folks, i have reached it- a mental breakdown in the world of blogging and i just did my best to quote the words off of my dirty dancing soundtrack to the song "you don't own me". that song was dedicated to this blog....
i think i have become boring. which means one of two things: a) i quit writing this blog all together or b) i take a "blogging" spring break... not only have i become boring but i have also become a nerd! did i seriously just write a "blogging" spring break?? 10 months ago, i didn't even know that blogs existed...
so after much thought (not really) and seeing that everyone else in the blogging world (i should really wear a pocket protector with all of these "blogging" terms i keep throwing out) took a "real" spring break, i am doing just that...taking a break. i feel like i have had some lame posts lately and if i was a reader, i would be bored to tears w/ my blog. if i was a cartoon character, i think i would be the teacher on charlie brown- you know the one that no one can decipher what she is saying...
this is my problem- i can't figure out where i am going on my "blogging" spring break (jeez- i have got to quit saying that)...it's a toss up b/w spring break circa 1999 w/ my college bestfriends (since this is my fantasy, i will not be that overweight girl that i was in college due to the fact that i loved beer and apparently any food place that served after the hours of 2 AM). i had the best group of girlfriends and i miss them dearly.
the second option would be to go back on my honeymoon with my husband...it was the best trip ever. we had so much fun together and actually met two other couples who we hung out w/ for most of the week. we were so carefree...no worries, didn't care how much money we spent, no baby or diaper bag that i have to pack everytime i step out of the house w/ an obscene amount of toys, finger foods, and diapers, no lame blog that i have to report to every morning! regardless, i just want a break...so, i am taking off the week...
will miss you while you're gone! take lots of pics on your "vacation" and looking forward to having you back!
Have a good spring break. Just to let you know though, I've found your posts interesting and have enjoyed them!
I love your posts! I read them all the time. Enjoy your break but know that we're waiting for you to come back...
Enjoy your vacation. But no, you are not a bore.
Ha ha! I hope you get your batteries charged this week! We'll be looking for you and your posts next week. :)
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://vinho-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
you're not boring! I look forward to your posts every morning. enjoy your break!
Go on a second honeymoon and come back with all the details. We'll be waiting right here for you!
was gonna say, this last post sorta went off in a "petunia face" pity sort of way. ( a good pity)
i like that you write and can feel the mediocrity...
which keeps it real. now go have a break and come back ready to rip, rant and rave, and a little decorating and mediocre posts never hurt "nobody"
remember sunscreen.
Good for you. Enjoy your rest and this week, make sure to pack a People/US Weekly and a brownie in the diaper bag too... ;)
love your blog! if you're not feeling inspired, a trip (mental or real) is a great refresher.
in college i liked wine too much & eating late at night too. i look back at photos and cringe, but at least we lived it up! :)
SPRING BREAK, DUDE!! Hope you get rested. By the way, I would never call subway tiles boring.
Boy can I relate to this - all the blogging terms and not even knowing what a design blog was a year ago! You are too funny - you better not quit, I'd kill you, seriously! ok, that's like a blogger threat. that picture of your little girl with the pillow is too cute. adorable. and thanks for the comment baby. I hate to say this but I just saw a spread that Jeffers did somewhere - the new HB? forget, but uh, it was a real stinker. I want you to see it and tell me what you think about it. I'll be curious. Don't take this as being bitchy (I'm not really) - I can' believe i'm writing all this crap, but anyway - I'm bored. ok = check out the new HB and let me know,
I really do miss you. Come back soon. Alli is blogging now, so she'll keep me entertained while you are on your hiatus....we can do spring break all over again next weekend!
I feel it too with mine somedays, yawn. But there is a reason I check just about every day with you, its a GREAT blog! Take a break, but don't you dare quit.
I love your blog. I hope you have a great spring break, but, please don't quit. I look forward to your posts & check your blog daily.
Good for you!
Bless you and have a safe trip!!
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