we thought we had the perfect baby...the first night home from the hospital, he barely woke up to eat....the second night, a completely different story. we are a little sleep deprived (warren just made a grill cheese and forgot to put the top piece of bread on). here are some pictures of walker's room; promise to be more bright eyed later this week...well, maybe :) thanks so much for all of your well wishes for the delivery....it was very easy, thankfully.
*ps. taylor LOVES her baby brother, which is a good thing b/c he looks just like her!
Congratulations Shannon! Your little man is just as handsome as can be. And, his nursery is divine. Great job!
What a sweetheart- he is precious! And you look great post-labor! :)
Hope you guys can get some sleep this week...
Congratulations! He is absolutely precious. Love the nursey, especially the chair + ottoman. Sending hugs your way!
What a sweet little man, congratulations! His room looks so crisp, clean, and lovely (I'm guessing with boys that doesn't last too long, haha.)
Congratulations! He is adorable and the nursery looks great!
He's just lovely! The room looks fantastic. Mazel Tov!
Congrats! I couldn't wait for this post!!!
The room looks great, but even better is Mr. Walker!!! So cute.
Happy to read that Taylor is loving him!
Shannon, Congratulations!! Baby Walker is adorable and Taylor looks like such a big girl now!! Loving the nursery can't wait to see more. Hope you and Warren get some rest..xo Sissy
aaaw he is amazing, congratulations!!!!
Congratulations !! The picture's are priceless !!!
Congratulations, he is precious!
sooo cute and congrats!
congratulations on a beautiful baby boy. Hope you are recovering well.
what an adorable nursery. I love the bedding on both beds and that chalkboard....
Ah, so darling big sis seems to be happy too!
Congratulations, Shannon!! He is precious and his room is to die for! xx
Gorgeous Family! You, your family, and your home are beautiful!
Walker is adorable, and the nursery is fabulous!! Congratulations!
Congratulations Shannon! He's just absolutely adorable! Best wishes!
He is beautiful Shannon! I am so happy for you and your family!! I hope you aren't too sleep deprived!! Look forward to hearing more about him.
Congratulations! What a beautiful addition to your family! His room is adorable as well!
S- congrats. He is adorable. And so is Taylor!!!
He is adorable!!! I love his room! Congrats!!!
congrats! love the room.
Congratulations Shannon! Walker is a handsome little boy! And the nursery is adorable. Enjoy!!!
Congratulation!! he is so adorable enjoy ...well take good care and love the nursery!
Congrats shannon!!! so glad everyone is home healthy and safe! what a relief the wait is over, do enjoy your bundle of joy!!!
Congratulations! He is beautiful! Love his room. ENJOY!!!!!
Oh my! What a precious nursery! And I love the little guy's name. My last name is Walker, and when I get married and have a baby one day, I want to use this name too! It's so cute!
Congratulations... what a sweet sweet honey!! He is beautiful! I had my little guy wrapped in the very same blanket at the hospital :)
And love his room!!!! Where did you get the metal baskets (I've been looking for some like that ) and the changing pad cover?).
Hope you are able to get some rest. Those first couple of months can be tiresome!
Congratulations! He is beautiful! And, I adore his nursery...you did a fabulous job!
Congrats! He's adorable :) And I absolutely love the bedding! Where on earth did you find such cuteness??
He is so beautiful. Congratulations. Their room looks great too!
Perfection! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!
Blessings to you and yours....
Congrats!!! And that nursery is adorable - love the striped mirror and the typewriter letter initials.
Parabéns! Ele é muito lindo!
Felicidades para toda a famÃlia.
congratulations! walker is so beautiful, and you look AMAZING!!! all the best to you and your family!
ps. love the nursery!
Congrats! every time you update I think it's going to be your little man. Glad he's here safe.
That's the life, huh? Such a sweet room....and baby sister. Not to mention the lil blessing sleeping. (In the pic) Ha!
LOVE the nursery! congratulations!!!!!
congratulations! How exciting to have one of each! Nursery looks beautiful...love the monogrammed pillows
Such a gorgeous family! Congratulations, Shannon! Love the nursery!
He's beautiful (as is the nursery!). Congrats to the whole family and I can't wait for more pictures.
What a precious darling! I am so glad everything went well. Catch the naps when you can!
Congratulations! You look great and Walker is adorable! Love the nursery!
I'm so happy for you, he's adorable !
Congrats, Shannon!
COngratualtions! What a bundle and you certainly don't look like you just had a baby in that photo! Adorable family and nursery!
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy - and family!
What precious children you have! Congrats on a healthy, beautiful baby Walker. Blessings to little Taylor as well. I know you all much be so excited! I"m going to enjoy watching them grow up on your blog.
Congratulations!! What an adorable baby boy and family! Your nursery is amazing - gorgeous! I love the photo of your daughter kissing your belly!! So sweet.
Congratulations..he is beautiful and your daughter is adorable!! Rest while you can!! His room looks amazing, I love all the special details.
awwwwww life is complete!
He is adorable...as is the nursery. Glad his big sister loves him! Get some rest!
Beautiful baby boy, sister and mommy! How do you look that good?!! :) Love Walkers room, and it looks like big sis will enjoy hanging out with him in there! xx
Hi Sannon:
I`m from Brazil. I`m a student of interior desing.
I loved your blog.You`re so creative.
Congratulations for your baby.
God bless you,
He is precious and perfect (and his digs are, too!)
Congratulations and blessings to you all!
alison g.
Congratulations - he is absolutely darling! The room is adorable and Taylor looks too cut there holding those stuffed animals! I hope you are enjoying this time at home with your family
Congratulations! I love your blog and follow it like a regimen. The nursery is gorgeous!
Oh how beautiful, Congratulations!
Shannon! Walker is absolutely precious! And you look great! I love to see how excited Tay is to hold her baby brother. His nursery is adorable. I can't wait to get down there to meet him and visit y'all. Love you!
Congratulations Shannon! Your little man is so beautiful.
Congrats! your children are gorgeous and I hope you get some more sleep soon. Good luck!
He is just gorgeous! and the room, wow. I am sure Taylor will make one fab big sister.
CONGRATS! he is perfect!
Congratulations!! He's beautiful{and so is Taylor}!!! And you look like a million bucks after just having a baby! LOVE the nursery. Take care.
Gorgeous baby & gorgeous nursery! Congratulations!
he's adorable, the room is adorable......congrats!!!
How how beautiful! Congratulations from me too! Wish you all the best! Greetings from sunny germany, geisslein
congratulations, he is such a sweetie!
Congratulations!!! You have a beautiful family Shannon! All the best.
Congrats on your joyous bundle! Also, I love the font you use to sign your name -- what's it called?
wow - congratulations!
So Cute & Sweet! I love your blog, but take your time coming back! I recently had my first baby, and I understand that it is a special and tiring time. Enjoy!
So Cute & Sweet! I love your blog, but take your time coming back! I recently had my first baby, and I understand that it is a special and tiring time. Enjoy!
hooray!! welcome, Walker!
congratulations! what a love!
Congratulations! He is beautiful!! Love the name as well and the nursery is just adorable :-)
Congrats! He is gorgeous and I love the name... my son is also a Walker!
Congrats! My nephew's name is Walker too :) He's gorgeous and the nursery is divine.
CONGRATULATIONS! He is absolutely beautiful and has an adorable room to match. ;)
CONGRATULATIONS! He is absolutely beautiful and has an adorable room to match. ;)
Precious. Precious. Precious!!!! Beautiful and so so sweet. The room is amazing too. Have no idea how you pull it off so easily. : )
Oh, sleep deprivation mixed with surprise baby alertness on "day two." Remember that as if it were yesterday. Hang in there and nap as often as you can!!! By baby number two, I was an advocate of making them tummy-sleepers and that helped a ton!
wow exciting... love all the pictures... you look so beautiful! I looked like i got ran over by a bus ;)...
enjoy your little lovey.... oxo
Felicitations! He is adorable and I love the name!
Now where on earth did you get that awesome fish and cow mobile (is it Blabla?) and the round things with his monogram? What are they exactly, plates?
Congratulations! I just recently started reading your blog, and I don't think I've ever commented, but I just wanted to wish you the best. We have a Walker as well, and it's a great name for a wonderful guy :)
Congratulations!! He is beautiful and I absolutely LOVE the nursery!!!
Congratulations! What a sweet baby boy! The nursery is lovely!
What a sweet pic of your two blessings together! I'm so glad everyone is healthy and happy and home!!!!
Love the monogram above the crib! You'll have to tell us much more about the nursery when your head is on straight again!
Spencer just slept for 9 (!!) hours last night. It gets better!
you have a PRECIOUS family... you are truly blessed.
welcome home... xoxo pam
Yeah!!!! Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for y'all!!!!
Yeppy! Your little man is such a cutie and his nursery is adorable! Thanks so much for sharing his nursery with us. I'm pregnant and have found that posts on cute little boy nurseries are few and far between, so many thanks. Your pics are going into my nursery file:)
Oh...there is nothing like this moment in life. Enjoy every second of it, despite the lack of sleep!! Congratulations, Janell
A huge congrat's to you all. Tay and the new little man just couldn't be any cuter. So glad everything went well. Beautiful family Shannon! xx
Congrats Shannon! What a darling family!
Shanon congratulations....¡¡¡¡ your baby is precious...¡¡¡¡¡ and your family is very nice...¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
I just found your blog tonight from someone else's blog. Congrats on baby Walker. We added baby Luella to our family the same week you did. Newborns are definitely fun to look at...as is your nursery!
wowie!~ and please tell warren, i love an open face grilled cheese....and wish i was there to rock your little one so you could catch up on the sleep deprivation.
my sons are 17, and now i stay up waiting for them to come home!
Congratulations on baby Walker! Love his name!!! And, oh what a precious big sister he has. I love seeing her on his bed ---- hugs all around!
Congratulations on the birth of your sweet little man! I love his nursery...and you look unbelievable, would never guess that you just had a baby!
Shoosh, you look amazing post-labor! The pics of me just after I had Zoey look like I birthed her out of my face!
Congratulations! He is so sweet!
You did wonder making a both a baby and a nusery. Major congrats!
Oh I just read your keeping it real post. You WILL sit back and laugh after the fact but for now being a chemically altered sleep deprived mother doesn't help.
xx - Christina
Congratulations Shannon!! He is adorable!
congrats shannon! you are so cute, you do not look like you just had a baby
You got the same as me. Girl then boy (22 months apart). He's 18months now and it's soooo much easier. Have fun. The room is just beautiful. I wouldn't mind laying my sleepy head in there either!
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