seriously, its been raining here for like a week. well, i set out on my appointments yesterday- first i had a meeting at the tile place to select a kitchen back splash, then i headed to one of my job sites to inspect the paint going up. i didn't plan well...i dressed up for my first apt and just went straight to the house after that. i pulled up to the house and was greeted by the yard of mud. yup, and i had on satin, animal print ballet flats. and yep, the front door was tapped off so i had to walk all the way to the garage. my husband said "that's what you get for being so prissy"....it has nothing to do w/ being prissy- its called poor planning. i debated on going barefoot and rolling up my pants...can you imagine what i would have looked like! not to mention there is no running water at the house....so i did what i thought i had to, totally tiptoed the entire way, doing my best to dodge the puddles...it took a good 5 minutes and with every step, i had to evaluate where my next would be. i am sure the workers where all making fun of me inside. this is a perfect example of why i need galoshes....
Especially those galoshes.
And ask your hubby if he would rather you be butch? Yeah. I didn't think so.
boots or even the slip on over the shoes would be a good thing to keep in the trunk of your car. Even better, a couple of plastic bags in your purse. I don't know what I would have done, but I certainly wouldn't have wanted to wreck a beautiful pair of shoes...ha
I also need some wellies too! The plastic bag tip is good.
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