i LOVE a
white sofa...although i have to admit, we bought our sofa when we moved into this house 4 yrs ago and its a flax linen blend. but that doesn't keep me from loving white sofas.... i am working on a residence where the house screams white sofas! the wife secretly wants them, the husband thinks dogs and practicality... so the dilemma remains. there are so many variations of white fabrics out there these days...slipcovers can be washed (but can be a pain to have to juggle w/ getting them back on perfectly), the outdoor fabric industry has exploded and there are so many outdoor fabrics that have the same properties but w/out the look and stiff waxy feel. so if you own a white sofa, are you left to be become OCD or to you just roll w/ it and sip your red wine w/ the best of them??
I have a white slipcovered sofa and I LOVE IT! I have learned to just roll with things since I have cats and dogs and nieces and nephews. Just knowing I can always throw my slipcovers in the wash gives me peace of mind.
I have one and LOVE it! Everyone told me I was crazy, but my reasoning was that as a single, 26 year old without kids or pets, this was the only time in my life I would be able to have one and it be at all practical! I do have to roll with the occainsional spill since I love to sip wine with friends!
Who makes those Red Chairs in the photo?
I love white sofas!! My friend has a white slipcovered sofa and loves it!!!
I have FINALLY got my white slipcovered sofa after years of yearning! I'm a 29 year old single girl and think my red wine drinking habits are potentially more dangerous to my new love (aka my white feather filled cushioned white slip covered sofa) than toddlers with grubby hands or pets will ever be - nothing a good extra soak, extra wash cycle my washing machine can handle!
i personally cannot get enough of white decor. its simply my favorite. there is something about the color white that is just so refreshing and glamorous! thanks for the fun post! :)
i personally cannot get enough of white decor. its simply my favorite. there is something about the color white that is just so refreshing and glamorous! thanks for the fun post! :)
are there more white sofas that you can suggest? Especially larger ones, maybe L-shaped? thank you!!!
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