Monday, October 27, 2008

things that inspire me....

so i think in the tough times that we are facing and might continue to face in the future, a source of encouragement is much needed. as an interior designer, i think it is our job to be creative with how to address the future in design. high end/ luxury items that are offered in this business are a lot harder to swallow when the economy is like it is today. that is why i think we, as designers, have to be proactive to show how inspiration and good design can come in many forms.
by my nightstand, i have cottage living's sept issue. i am in love the the article on a 70's ranch redo by david and tyler colgan. instead of building their dream home from scratch, they recycled a rancher....not by bulldozing it but keeping the structure and adding a face lift. they did the labor themselves and recycled the materials from tear downs in their neighborhood (so green). the transformation totally speaks for itself. while you might long for a new home, why not think about how you can take what you already have and make it special?? or if you are house hunting, why not give those "not so beautiful" homes a second look and think outside the box on how it could be reborn? i know that the colgan's house has really inspired me....


  1. Well said. I love this redo too. Cottage Living is the best.

  2. I hear that! something like this creates character in a home.

  3. this home was a complete inspiration to me also. loved it.

  4. quit inspirational stuff
    love it all

  5. I love this home!!! Great post and very well said:)
    Come over to my blog for a table giveaway:)

  6. I adore that cottage! It is one of my favorites, and the redo is wonderful!

  7. I love it, too! Almost couldn't believe it when I first saw it in Cottage Living!

    Great post- especially in these uncertain times.

  8. Hey I am new to your blog. You know how that tangled web sends us places we never knew existed?! I was so inspired, alas, have to go to work, so had to put it aside this am. I, too, wear spit up daily! (15 month old and 2 month old) I'll be back ! Enjoyed! Melanie

  9. OMG, I am in LOOOVVVEE with this spread as well. I drooled over it a million times over. Well said - yes, the economy is tight, but that doesn't mean we can't beautify our surroudings on a budge. Love your blog!

  10. This was a fav redo for me too. It's so charming, warm and unassuming.

  11. I have no other choice other than to say that "I Admit that the post is truly amazing"

    Can I use your idea on my Blog (Hope you wont mind...)

  12. It took me a lot of time to think and write a comment, that every thing is simple yet so beautifull.
    wonderful and amazing

  13. Yeah this one was great and relevant post and it was worth to read. Expecting more and more good work from you as well.

  14. These are really good one and worthy to visit here.

  15. In the presence of all the encouraging comment I can only say that, The post is truly great...!
    wonderful and amazing.......

  16. Totally agree, Thanks for sharing such a nice post. Truely involving...
    Please keep up the good work. Appreicate you efforts for sharing.

  17. nice stuffs to inspire..


  18. Inspired Me!

    Nice content! Excellent BLog!


  19. inspirational blog
    i love it

  20. I find it difficult to add comments in the presence of praising commments. But one thing for sure the Post's awesome.
    Waaaoooo great,

  21. But frankly speaking the post's great. Really contributing to knowledge. Keep on sharing good ideas...!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Hmmmm.....for some reason Not so good for the little ones....but VERY good for the adults!

  24. The post give a look classic in modern back ground. But even then every thing seems fit in well.

  25. Tyler is a friend of my wife. She constantly talks about this house! Many of the materials were salvaged. The house is functional yet very charming.
