Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the conversation i would have had....

so sometimes this blog serves as a random collections of thoughts, an outlet for design inspiration, or just as a source of energy to communicate with the outside world. while i love having my own company, i miss the interaction of having people to talk to over your morning coffee...at my old firm, i had four other girls that i still consider great friends...we knew every aspect of each others lives (literally b/c we had been together for five yrs), we would vent when things were going wrong, we would laugh until our bellies hurt, we would drink wine together when the clock hit 5:00...i miss that part...
if i was in an office this AM, i would pour a cup of coffee and then go sit on the desk of a fellow coworker and say "did you see the city last night...jay's crying looked ridiculously fake" or "i hate random white vans...they totally crept me out whenever i see them in my neighborhood" or "gosh, i hope the teachers at tay's school don't think i am a degenerate mom b/c i put a white skirt on my child before easter"....
instead, i'll think those thoughts to myself...sip my reheated coffee and pray it doesn't get cold before this post ends....

*pics courtesy of fffound, by-geisslein


  1. You can email me, I love discussing The City and any randomness that comes about. I completely understand where you're coming from. I think that's why I enjoy blogging so much a connection to the outside world. Enjoy your coffee!

  2. I like the look of these clipboards as memo pads for all types of things. I will be using this idea in my own studio...keeping for future reference.
    Thank you,
    lamaisonfou blog

  3. Oh I totally get how you are feeling. Working from home can be a bit lonely at times.

    I'm just starting my business so I don't even have clients yet!!!

    Talk about boring. I'm just busy to trying to finish up some things to get pictures taken for my portfolio and finally launch the website!

    Anyway long comment even longer. I'm always around so if you ever get bored please email me cpavone0107@gmail.com and we can g-chat!!!!

  4. Oh I totally get how you are feeling. Working from home can be a bit lonely at times.

    I'm just starting my business so I don't even have clients yet!!!

    Talk about boring. I'm just busy to trying to finish up some things to get pictures taken for my portfolio and finally launch the website!

    Anyway long comment even longer. I'm always around so if you ever get bored please email me cpavone0107@gmail.com and we can g-chat!!!!

  5. I would discuss teh city with you anyday..I hate jay. rawrrrrrrrrrrrr. and do u think MTV told Olivia to mess up that presentaion..because I really dont think she would've done THAT bad...

  6. Hey, love the site and LOVE the city! haha and yes I even said that, "you know MTV offered jay an extra couple thous... to whip up some tears.."
    and sweet nothings, Olivia provided me with enough entertainment for a good week.

  7. I started to get bugged by Jay a few weeks ago. Last night's "tears" sealed the deal.

  8. Oh I totally know what you mean. It can be difficult to not have someone to bounce ideas off of.

  9. That's what your blogging friends are here for! I can relate... sometimes it's hard... but I always have to remind myself of the cons of office-life... you darn sure wouldn't be updating your blog as often :) so... I'm sure glad you aren't in an office environment still.

  10. The clipboards are fantastic! I love that idea. Thanks!

  11. I soooo understand!!! The white skirt made me laugh!

  12. I totally understand! I'm on maternity leave at the moment and while I adore my 4 month old son's company, he just stares at me when I tell him I pinched my skin zipping up my dress this morning... again.

    Viv xx

  13. I can totally relate. Most of my day is spent alone and sometimes I think it might be fun to work at a 9 to 5 job. But if it came down to it, I'd never trade what I have - I love the freedom way too much.

  14. I've worked out of my home for the last 5 years. I miss the office talk and friends I made.....I also miss those days when someone would bring in something wonderful baked from home. I don't like being trapped in the house and have to get out. Thank God for my networking events because I'd go crazy. My youngest daughter starts kindergarten in the fall....I wonder if I'll miss hearing Sponge Bob in the background every day!

  15. we are here to chat whenever you need us. :)

  16. I agree — it's been one of the hardest part of transitioning to being self-employed for me. Miss my cube-mates! Well said.
