tay's poor hair is taking forever to grow...i mean forever. when she was born, i was so excited to have a little bald baby and thought by her first birthday she will be able to wear bows. well, that day came and went and tay still had very little hair. so we said, surely by her second b'day she will have hair...well, let's just say the hair has finally started growing, however, it has taken on a popular style....you know the one: it's a mullet, long in the back/ short in the front. on tues, i said to warren 'i think it might be time for her first haircut'...it's getting a little out of control. but we looked at what they would cut off and we are scared it's going to make her look like a boy....so i decided to take matters into my own hands and headed to target to buy baby rubber bands...my solution was pigtails.
when i got home, i raced to her room and made two cute pigtails. taylor hated them...she cried and begged for me to take them out. warren said i was torturing her, so i reluctantly took them out. this morning, with warren out of the house (as if guys understand the importance of cute hair), i tried again...same thing....only this time, i didn't take them out. she cried for a little while but once i added the bow, she was sold. mission accomplished, for now at least.
*being the good mother that i am, i decided to set an example by trying out a new do myself: the tiny side braid made ever so popular by LC...luckily, my camera died before i could post a picture of it... :)
**i had to erase the mullet pic...he was starting to scare me and making my blog ugly :)
I love your daughters pigtails! They are so cute. And you are a good sport too for mixing it up and trying a new hair style.
OMG! Hilarious (and totally relatable) toddler tale! She looks precious - the other dude, yeah...not so much.
Love the LC side braid!
She's adorable!!! And Gigi has the same pink car. Its a big hit in our neighborhood.
Only a true Southern could wear a mullet and look so cute!!
Cute story...Ahhhh..the saga of mother hood! Well, you have also discovered that she's a girly, girly girl...Glad the bow was success!
My daughter was the complete opposite..She was born with an entire head of black hair that stuck "straight up" about two inches! Man oh man..what a kicker it was to control that hair..for years!
LOL! Then I got a bald son!
my eldest daughter was balder than bald for 3 years. she desperately wanted big hair. today at 18 she has the most glorious thick blond hair anyone could ask for. naturally she doesn't like it so have patience she will get some eventually!
When I saw the first picture in this post I wondered just where you were going to take us... ha.
Your daughter's little piggies are darling. Her hair will grow. Besides, you can see her beautiful eyes.
Hilarious post. Her pigtails are adorable.
My mum used to make my pigtails so tight they almost pulled my brains out. Funny post.
haha, I'm dying laughing at the thought of you putting the pigtails back in as soon as your husband left the house...I would have done the exact same thing. Hey, pain is beauty right :)
PS- she is so cute!!
ahhh she's so precious (your daughter not LC) I'm an LC fan though and have also tried this style...unfortunately mine never quite embodies the true "Lc-nesS" . :/
The mullet?? Business up front, party in the back!!
my lily had the same mullet before her hair fully came in. i finally took the plunge and cut it in a short bob. i was afraid she wouldn't look like a girl anymore (she has triplet brothers and a baby brother) but i was wrong, she looked adorable. she is almost three now and has more hair but I am keeping the short bob until it gets a bit thicker.
Hahaha! I can relate!
God I love the mullet the image sooo much!! Hilarious!!
My best friend Katie can so relate with her daughter & my Goddaughter Hailey had the mullet look too. At least you got bows in...ER Katies girl, took forever to allow them to remain & I mean forever!!!
The little bows are so sweet!!!!
My girls refused elastic or hair bows too. I finally gave up! Good for you for not giving in! Funny!
I sympathize. My daughter was completely bald until she was 2 and only really started wearing her hair in pigtails when she turned 7. I hated it because everyone thought she was a boy. It will grow.....eventually. Hang in there.
I was the same way, all the way until like age 4. My sister had long thick blonde hair and I had whisps of light brown, I mean whisps. I look back and think I look like a boy, but my Mom has always made sure to say that NO ONE ever thought I looked like a boy, gotta love moms, ha!
Aww, she's adorable! That's so funny about her hair. Hopefully the pigtails will work out :)
I love the side braid! Wish I could pull it off as well as Lauren :)
I have been sporting the LC side braid all summer, I cant get it to look like hers though... sigh.... I even wore my hair that way during our family trip to Laguna Beach!
I love doing little girls hair, keep doing it,it is darling!
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