i am tired...i have been cleaning for a week straight...i have gotten up everyday by 6:00, if not earlier, to start my daily chores....i woke up this morning and mowed the grass. this is a task i have now done twice in my life- once was for a lady who was coming over to look at the house for a possible mag shoot and the second time, yes this AM, was so we could put our 'for sale sign' in the front yard. mowing the grass is a hard chore and something that i plan on
forgetting how to do as soon as this house sales :) hope y'all had a much more entertaining weekend...i'm off to put my feet up and eat the rest of the bag of salt and vinegar kettle chips (don't judge me).
LMAO! I sure know what it's like to mow the lawn...My husband has been so busy this summer, that I have had to resort to doing it myself. The front, the side, the back and it just feels like it will never end...LOL. Look at the bright side. I'm sure you got a grrrrreat work out! BTW..good luck with the possible mag shoot...very exciting.
We just went through the hell of trying to sell a house this spring. Keeping the house/yard immaculate was absolutely ZERO fun. Best of luck, Shannon!
Your posts always make me smile!
Good luck with the house sale :)
That made me laugh out loud.
Do NOT get used to mowing the lawn...because then everyone else will get used to it as well.
That made me laugh out loud.
Do NOT get used to mowing the lawn...because then everyone else will get used to it as well.
definitely no judging with the Salt and Vin chips...I did the same thing on Sunday!! But have you tried POP chips!?? they are soooo addicting and %60 less fat than normal salt and vin chips but seriously JSUT as good. Im obessed I know super targets have them and speciality stores. :D
Mowing drowns out the client worries in my head (HAHA)! Selling sucks no doubt, but blue skies ahead once its all over with?? So watcha buying??? Hopefully not quite as much of a disaster as mine!!!
Mowing in SC can only be done in the AM...I'm surprised you didn't melt. Hopefully you're not heading too far away...unless thats what you want. :)
Good luck with keeping it show ready. Im a year and a half past that but it can be tough!!!
I love me some Kettle Chips too - glad that I am not the only one addicted to those things! Good look listing your house - I hope it sells fast!
Yes, the constant scramble and requisite organization of a house on the market is never fun. Good luck to you though! I'm sure it will go quickly.
I haven't mowed any grass lately, but I am right there with you on the salt and vinegar kettle chips! :)
LOL! You go girl! I've planted trees and flowers, moved dirt from one side to the other, but never mowed a lawn! You deserve your feet up(and those salt n' vinegar chips- yum!
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