i failed a
test. it's not the first time it's happened in my life...i use to have my fair share of fun in college, i'm sure i didn't study for a pop quiz or something. it really shouldn't come as a surprise- i failed the same test 3 yrs ago. but it still sucks none the less. b/c to retake the test you have to drink 3 big bottles of the sweetest, thickest, syrup like concoctions known to man....in three hours after fasting for a night. i think i would almost prefer a piece of paper w/ a big fat
F written across it....
So sorry!! I remember that test and it made me sick!! My drink was orange flavored. I never want to see another Orange Crush in my whole life!! Good luck next time, I will cross my fingers!!
Girl, I know what you mean. The first test I took in a Social Psychology class (which are usually easy A's), I failed... worst part is I thought I did pretty well. NOPE. Ever since I changed the way I studied for my teacher's test, and I've been doing pretty well! Try studying throughout the week in segments rather than the night before! Worked for me! :)
Oh I am sorry to hear that!
Oh no, that's awful! praying for you. that syrup is the worst.
I failed that same test with my daughter two years ago. The second test was awful but I passed! Hopefully you will too! Good luck!
Unfortunately this is NOT a test you can prepare for. Good Luck in getting an 'A' this time!
My "test" was awful too. Tasted like a too sugary melted orange popsicle. Yuck. Good luck this go round!
Sorry about your test:( Your blog is lovely!
awe...hang in there..
awe...hang in there..
I'm sorry. What a bummer. I just took that test last Friday and could barely make it through the one bottle of that junk. Good luck!
Oh man. I am sorry you fail the test. Where do the docs come up with this stuff to give us anyway?
hang in there.
mb from Dallas
Sorry to hear that! But what kind of test is this where you have to drink syrup???
I'm so sorry... I failed this past time too and I knew that I knew that I didn't have gestational diabetes.. In fact I failed by like 2 points and they still made me take the 3 hour test and i cried. it was horrible. my kids had orange pop the other day and i almost threw up just looking at it.
i'll be praying for you!
so sorry to hear that. I failed mine too, a few years ago, yet all turned out fine. Hope your case turns out fine, too. Best wishes!
:( I'm so sorry Shannon. I hope the next time the results come out better.
OMG I forgot about that stuff! That orange gross gooey syrup. Sorry for you. But keep your eye on the prize :)
Sorry to hear about your 'fail', what we mothers must endure for these little ones! :)
Hope you are taking it easy!
Sorry about that. Hope you feel better! :)
Crap!!! Just the mere mention of the stuff brings back so many bad memories...mine are teens, showed a picture of them today on my blog...and that awful test may as well have been yesterday!
I am so sorry!
i'm so sorry. at least it's temporary, right? and worth it in the end. :-)
good luck!
Shannon, I had gestational diabetes with both of my kids. It was totally controlled by a very good diet consisting of protein with every meal and eating more, smaller meals during the day.
I still eat that way to keep my blood sugar levels constant, which is a much healthier way to eat.
Hopefully, you will meet with a dietician and make a plan on how and what to eat. Hang in there.
Oh no! I know that test allll too well! That stinks...hope you are resting and feeling well. You may have failed that test, but the style in these images is A plus in my book. Wishing you a weekend filled with relaxing moments.
Ugh... I hate that test. My friend had diabetes with her son and we were pregnant at the same time. I gained 33 pounds and she gained 20! It ended up being a blessing in disguise!
Feel better!
If it's any consolation, I failed the test, too.....but my second time around, I knew what I was up against so I did all the right stuff and I actually beat it. Diet and exercise will always help, let me tell you.
I feel for you! The things we must go through! Good luck and maybe bring someone else with you that makes you laugh to help the time go by faster ;)
Hey there!
I have had type 1 diabetes for 18 years - if you do get gestational dont worry it wont be too bad! Also i can not even look at jelly beans anymore! Thats what they suggested us to eat for low blood sugars when i was little ugh! hate them!
sally xx
Ughhh. Did that test a few weeks ago. Hated it. REALLY hated it.
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