Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the great thing about stripes...

is that they look fantastic no matter what the settings....


  1. I am SO putting curtains just like that in my bathroom!!


  2. stripes are such an addiction to me.

  3. I love stripes! especially if they're blue or navy - so much reminding of the seaside!

  4. I love that sweet little scalloped tablecloth. Such a bright and cheery picture.

  5. You had me at stripes!! Love them can't get enough in my home or in my wardrobe!! Remember my post on my porch re-do? Black and white striped curtain outside, why not?!! Love it!! Thanks for sharing all these images they were great,Kathysue

  6. Thanks for the fun picture's. I love the bloomers. Super cute! And congrats on your new little one. Such a beautiful baby

    - Sarah

  7. Love these images. I've got yellow striped romans in mind for our much anticipated son's nursery when we get started on it.

  8. The headboard! The bedskirt! Gorgeous!

  9. aint that the truth! Love love love a good stripe!

  10. Love those striped curtains in the bathroom. And how cool is the infinity reflection of them?! Oh, and I saw your kitchen in magazine last week. It's lovely - congratulations!

  11. I so agree! The only thing is I have such a hard time finding a stripe that I love.

  12. Couldn't agree more! Somehow I could never tire of stripes, they my style love.

  13. Oh, Shannon I love these! Stripes are so so pretty! That last picture is just adorable :) xoxoxo

  14. They never go out of style, thats why I love them

  15. Love all the stripes. I have some drapes that should be going up soon in my dining and front room - horizontal stripes! Hope they look good!

  16. Shannon, the fact that you are juggling a new born, potty training your toddler and still posting things as cool as this ----- you must have a special coffee recipe. Care to share?! Seriously....hang in there. I'm finally out of the fog and its funny how the hardest days do evaporate in your memory and you will marvel out how your children were once so small. Happy 4th!!!! Elizabeth

  17. All my love and support did that and loved it now of course he is 22.

    Good luck!

  18. These are gorgeous images Shannon - I love stripes and this is a great selection of shots. You'r right, they do look good anywhere! Dorothy x

  19. Yes STRIPES are great! I think all Swedish people are programmed with a love for them. That and white interiors of course.. and wood, and sheepskin.. and... well, you get the idea.. :)

    Great post.

    x Charlotta

  20. I will never, ever, never get tired of stripes! They may be my real last favorite above anything else. Any size, color. I love them all. Great roundup!

  21. I have been collecting beautiful stripe images lately! Love, love the bathroom with the horizontal striped curtains... I recently did a project & post on painting horizontal stripes... they always seem to add a special something to a space!


    Thanks for the beautiful inspiration as usual!
