in fact if you really want to know- my house is a disaster, i am sleep deprived, laundry has tripled in size, i get peed on daily by my two week old, i take showers in the middle of the day, i pray for coffee to appear in the coffee pot, i dread the 2 o'clock feeding, i went out in public and discovered i had a lovely wet spot on my shirt b/c it was close to feeding time, walker's umbilical cord fell off and we had no idea where it was (we did find it thankfully), potty training is the WORSE thing ever and it makes me want to cry on a regular basis, and i tried on my regular clothes entirely too early and was instantly met w/ defeat.....
BUT no matter what i wouldn't trade it for the world...pretty interiors will return, my child will one day be potty trained, and i will be able to sit back and laugh at all of this :)
in the meantime, i hope y'all have a very HAPPY 4th of JULY weekend!!
Your interior may not be so beautiful at the moment but your images are. Love your rant! Makes us all feel better to know that there are humans out there.
Happy 4th July weekend.
Jennifer XX
Are you kidding? I just moved out of maternity shorts last week, and I'm almost 10 weeks postpartum. Avery will be three next week, and still has no problem walking around with poop smushed up her tush - IN a pull-up! Wet spots on shirts - de rigueur.
I'd say you're well within the curve. Take Care, and have a great 4th!
Amen sister! Great rant! We've all been there. Take care!!
I'm with ya sister. Every ounce of that and the sad part is, not fitting into my clothes right now might bug me the most!
Let it out! We're here with big hugs to make it all better : )
Have a great weekend!
Oh, that made me laugh. Likely not your intention--but it was a laugh of complete and utter empathy. I'm 8 months out with my second, my first is potty training. I'm just now getting back into my pre-baby clothes and if I make it to work without spit-up and snot on my shoulder, than it's a good day.
Your life sounds so wonderfully chaotic and I envy the early times with a new baby already (and I'm only 8 months out!) It's just the most special time in the world. Congratulations again.
Bless your heart, hope things perk up for you!
Good pojt on keeong it real! Behind our computer screens im sure 99% of us do not live the perect existance in all the photos we post! And from soemone without kids - that was a great contraceptive :) enjoy your holiday weekend
sal x
Those were the days...it will all be gone so quickly that you will wonder how you thought you knew it was true when people told you, but never seriously believed it would be as fast as all that. Whoosh! One day potty training will be just a funny memory...Your little will be big and blogging beside you... I was compelled to comment as MY not-so-little just come downstairs singing, "Pink Wallpaper just re-blogged me!" You made PrettyStuff's night, thank you!!!
ummm make that CAME downstairs :/
The potty training...ugh! I'm about to start trying to get mine to go in the potty. Fingers crossed!!
Thanks for being so honest but know that you are not alone! Potty training is the most difficult thing I swear! Top it off with little sleep and I am sure you are at the end of your rope!! I always tell myself it will pass!
My home is the same way today and I don't have a newborn:( We are finally over potty training and yes I did cry daily with Ellie. KJ was much easier though! have a great weekend.
Oh, I hope the long weekend brings you some rest! I have a 26 month old daughter and a son due in late October....and we are moving cross country in December...so I am sure I will feel your pain shortly.
Well, you have a sense of humor so that helps! I hope things settle down for you a bit :) Have a great weekend.
Wow, I just read the really sweet notes from all the people who responded to your post today.
Real life is often challenging. The layers of your life are unique. You will look back and wonder how you got through these times and miss it all at the same time.
Enjoy your weekend. Hope your weather will be better than ours in Soggy Dallas.
You are too cute- the umbilical cord thing made me laugh out loud. What nursing mama hasn't had the moment of horror when she realizes her shirt is all wet?! And I'm with you on potty training- it's the pits, esp. when you have a newborn. Been there. Hang in there!
Shannon, I feel ya girl!!! In those hairy mothering moment I try and remind myself it is a season and will pass!! thanks for keeping it real!!! hang in there!
Not having gone through this, I can't say I feel you accurately. But you're doing awesome and your making it through day by day. Something tells me at some point each day you find yourself laughing at something one of the little ones do (if not from the crazy no sleep). No one expects perfection - So do your best and laugh a little more each day.
Those teeny pink Hunters? TOO CUTE!
Bless your heart you do have your hands full! hang in there... tomorrow is a new day, and the day after that is new too!
In the mean time don't worry about the small stuff.... you're the mother of a newborn... the laundry can wait, the real clothes will fit again before you know it, and every mother in the world who nursed has had an inopportune leak somewhere, so any mother understands...
I've been there and it is hard, but try to remember "this will pass". That was my mantra for several years and I did survive! The kids will not remember the messy house, wet shirt, laundry but they will remember that you were there for them and were a good mom. Hang in there!
Before you know it, this will all pass. Take a deep breath, maybe pour yourself a glass of wine, put on a comfy dress and enjoy the weekend with your family!
So funny and so true. Thanks for shareing.
Hang in there, Shannon! I am also in the midst of the potty training struggle with my almost 3 year old. What a disaster! My mantra these days, "Let it go." :) Wishing you a very relaxing Fourth! xxoo
A great big hug for you. xx
I know how these days feel! You are not alone! One thing that reallllly helped me was taking a shower first thing in morning before anyone needed me for anything. That way no matter what happens during the day my shower helps me feel better!
oh my gosh this post just took me right back to having a newborn... just surrender to it {all these little love bugs will be grown before we know it and we will be wishing for one of those days... promise}... and DO NOT TRY ON YOUR PRE-PREGNANCY CLOTHES.... SILLY!!!
happy 4th!
I don't have the very real excuse you have for my home being in its present disaster state, but what's good about looking at pretty interiors is that they give us hope and promise for what one day may return to our own domestic disasters... :)
Trust me - this will all pass much sooner than you really want it to! Happy weekend!
We've all been there! Sometimes the housework has to slide. Just discovered your blog.Love it:)
Love this post... and reading about you keeping it real. I completely understand. Except for the potty training part. Not there yet. But I did leave the house this morning to go to breakfast with my dad and husband and it was too close to feeding time. I was quite embarrassed!
ohh honey, thanks for keeping it real..its refreshing..try to do somethign for yourself, even if it is staying in the shower an extra 5 minutes! xox
Aaaaah! you sweet thing!! I feel for you, I remember the days. Get some rest the other stuff will wait. Your rest right now is the most important thing. Sometimes hiring a babysitter just so you can take a nap is a wonderful thing. Just rest when babies are down for their nap, trust me I had 3 little ones and it is the only answer to this dilema. Hang in there,Kathysue
Hang in there girl, you know I know the feeling! It gets better before you know it.
I can so relate even though I only have one 4 month old- I dreaded the 2am feeding too, relied heavily on coffee and was deperate to return to my pre-pregnancy clothes STAT! You have a great perspective:) Blessings on your family.
Oh have a Happy Fourth!!
And you know, I think we quite like it when you keep it real like this. So lovely to hear about your life and to share so many of these snippets in our own lives.
That last pic is so our family. We sleep like a happy pack of dogs - piled up high and tight in our master bed.. :)
Happy 4th - what is left of it!
xx Charlotta
P.S. Where did you find the umbilical cord?
I feel yah, I feel the same way! When will I get my shabby chic house? Hmm?
well, my baby turned 1 last weekend, and though i've been working hard on it, getting back into pre-baby bottoms is just never going to happen. NO matter the number of jogs taken or ice creams passed up. I had to work on not getting too hung up on that :P that being sad, I'm already looking forward to having a 2nd baby, so your chaos is music to my ears. Thanks for keeping it real.
Good to see you are focusing on the important stuff...enjoy every minute! Tracey xx
Thank you for being real! It's nice to know that even fabulous women such as yourself have very "real" mom days.
I'm impressed you can see the light at the end of the tunnel - in the midst of the chaos I have a hard time remembering that yes, one day they will be potty trained :)
You are so darling...you made me laugh and...sigh! I remember those days oh so well with 2 barely 2 years apart.
It is trying and far, far from glamorous most days, but the sweet moments will make up for it...and a good massage!
Hang in there...
I just potty trained my 2 year old! I feel your pain!! I hope everything settles down!! I have soooo been there!
Well fortunately you dont have to worry about us blog readers seeing the mess! Your blog is still beautiful, and so is our honesty! Life is messy sometimes! I am gonna have my second in dec and will have a 20 month old that i plan to potty train also, so thanks for the preparation! Good luck and dont worry about the mess! Enjoy it! You can get away with it right now!!!!!
I am with you right now on so many levels..potty training is insane...i usually have pee someplace around my house..good luck, it will get easier..Emerson is five months, she's still up two-three times a night, but it has gotten a "tiny -teeny" bit less crazy...thanks for the laugh..just breathe...and take care of yourself.
I am with you right now on so many levels..potty training is insane...i usually have pee someplace around my house..good luck, it will get easier..Emerson is five months, she's still up two-three times a night, but it has gotten a "tiny -teeny" bit less crazy...thanks for the laugh..just breathe...and take care of yourself.
What wise words AND you still have an amazing, inspiring, gorgeous blog:O)
Nice to meet you,
B x
You are so fabulous that being real on top of it is the icing on the cake. I'm sending you a great article about all this!
This post made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. I am so there (and mine are now 5, 4 & 1). Exhausted, house in chaos, sleep deprived, kids screaming--that pretty much sums it up. Yet, I continue to blog & design. . .bec. Mommy needs an outlet! Things will start to even out, though. That transition from 1 to 2 kids kicked my butt, but it does get better. Thanks for sharing :)
Just found your beautiful blog. Oh, honey, I do feel your pain. My kiddos are 8 weeks and a just turned 3 year year old. You're in the thick of it...I just try to focus on the "right here and now" - seems to help me for a little while! Just know that we can't see the mess and stress online :)
It will all seem like a distant memory in no time. You have a 2 week old! Until they are about 10 weeks life basically is a bit sucky but yummy and lovely all at the same time. Just try and remember the yummy and lovely bits every day not the sucky bits!
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