Monday, July 12, 2010

sometimes i find myself wishing i could see the future for one split second....

*images courtesy of unknown, the neotraditionalist, living etc


  1. Me too! I hope you have a great week!

  2. Be open. That's good for me this summer. What a nice, tidy post you have here.
    Come by for a giveaway if you'd like.

  3. Thank you so much Shannon...I really, really needed this today - just found out some life changing news and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it!

  4. the quote is just amazing! thank you. xo

  5. Hello. I read your blog every day and just love it! A few months ago, I realized that we were having boys at exactly the same time, mine was born a week late on June 24. I am finally getting caught up on blogs and read your blog from July 1 and can relate to a lot of it - minus the potty training since Miles is my first. I hope you're hanging in there! Congratulations.

  6. Oh me too! Sort of like a book -- I would love to be able to flip to the end and read the last few pages.

  7. i would love to see what the future holds...just a peek, that's all i ask. xo


  8. I just love this post. and your posts that "keep it real"!

  9. How happy is that yellow couch!!!
    Have a great week?

  10. How happy is that yellow couch!!!
    Have a great week?

  11. ME. TOO.

    Donna, I wish you god-speed wrapping your mind around whatever it is.

    This week I'm finally opening to the idea of accepting my life as it is, and accepting whatever is next. So much easier said than done, but after years of doing it the other way, I've finally cried uncle, and what a relief!

  12. ME. TOO.

    Donna, I wish you god-speed wrapping your mind around whatever it is.

    This week I'm finally opening to the idea of accepting my life as it is, and accepting whatever is next. So much easier said than done, but after years of doing it the other way, I've finally cried uncle, and what a relief!

  13. Me too. But, I've learned that if I let go of knowing the future - it's usually way better than anything I could ever have imagined.

  14. Oh no. Not me. Far too scary. I love living in the now and enjoying each day's happiness.

    Love the jar pic though!

  15. ok, so, yes. i just found your blog. and i'm totally hooked. i love that fab k did your site design. love kelly, and love her work! {post-lunch love fest from lauren...}

    and ps. you're ridiculously pretty. so, congratulations! :)

  16. I always want to know what is going to happen and exactly when it's going to happen. I have a hard time just living in the moment.

  17. Hi I'm new to your blog, and just wanted to say congrats to the arrival of your new baby..I just had my second child, a boy, June 23, 2010!! I also have a two year old little girl..funny huh?

  18. whew, that top quote sure sums it up!

  19. I am not so sure I'd like to know. I think that somehow the beauty is in not being able to predict the outcome. I believe we live better and more to the full that way.

    Gorgeous pics!

    x C
