at least i have this cheesy show finale to look forward to. i started watching it b/c one of my friends was married/divorced to him up until about 2 months before the show started taping and i had to see what his story was going to be. then i got sucked into it. i am totally addicted....not even going to lie about it. so who do you think ali is going to end up with- roberto or chris?
i know, there is like nothing else on tv except the housewives of NJ on monday nights.
i don't think she is going to pick anyone. at least that's what reality steve said on his website.....kinda fitting for her though. she's been really "uncommitted" the whole show. we'll see!! :)
I'm right there with ya...the head beating thing and Monday...also embarrassingly addicted to the Bachelorette. It's the only reality show I can't resist. I knit a sweater to go along with the time wasted watching so I won't feel so guilty and this season I knit TWO! My daughter and I have decided on Chris because we want Roberto to be the next Bachelor because he's so easy on the eyes. My daughter also thinks Ali is such a mess that she is going to fall apart in the end and not pick anyone. The girl just needs to stop wearing all the shoulder barings and tanks and get a new look. First order of business would be to CUT and STYLE her extended mess of a hair do. Sorry, she really is a cute girl, but that hair... (psst..LOVE YOUR BLOG!)
UGh, I'm with you on banging your head against a truck today.
I decided to actually add another Mother's Day in the calendar. I'm using it this week!
You are so funny! It is such a small world my good friend Trae knows Lindsay very well, and he got my husband and I watching it because of Ty too :)I so wish you still lived in Charleston so you could come help me with my decor :)
Hope you have fun watching the show tonight. It is so easy to quickly become addicted. As a kid I loved The Dating Game and this is just a nice, dramatic extended version. By the way - your friends ex - that shirt? Have a great day!
I feel the same way about today. I haven't been watching the show!!! I might have to watch it tonight though!
I hope Chris!
And that is crazy he would go on the show so soon after his divorce!
Oh, I am right there with you on the head banging. And, Bachelorette is my guilt pleasure. I am actually pulling out the stops and making my husband his favorite lasagna from Gourmet so he'll quietly sit with me and watch! Funny about the Ty thing....I wondered what his story was....esp. with the whole "traditional" wife stuff on the show. Always wonder how much of this stuff is edited/produced.
If it was me, i would have picked Roberto on the second week and called the whole show off. Ali seems to think he's too good for her so I don't know if she's going with Roberto. I am in anticipation of a three hour show.
OMG your friend was married to TY??? He seemed super nice on the show, but I'm sure every story has two sides. :)
I'd better be off to prepare for the Bachelorette viewing party I'm hosting! Hope you have fun watching...
Oh boy....I am sure your friend has been watching/wondering about the show.
I think Ali will not pick either one - which would be the smart thing to do.
That first image is hilarious! Hope by tonight, things are much calmer. Tuesdays are always better!! :)
xo Elizabeth
hah hope your dad got better! although, I quite like the girl laying on the car. Can you imagine acutally doing that though ;)
I am so surprised that Ty was so freshly divorced. I was pulling for Chris but ROberto is good too (it just ended;)
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