my dad's day job is being a lawyer but his real passion is building....anything.
and my mom has a great eye for design and antique collecting....one of her favorite things is yard sales (although when they are bad, she swears it's her last one!!)
my brother and i grew up watching them restore our 100 yr old house and going to antique shows like lakewood on the weekends (the best antique show ever that sadly ended a couple of yrs ago). so that is where my brother and i get our love for design from...
i thought it would be fun to show you my brother's pad or rather cabin that my dad built for the family back when i was in high school. my brother lived in thailand on and off for 10 yrs and when he finally returned to the states, he convinced my dad to let him buy the cabin. after an addition (done by my dad and brother) and some furniture changing, this is what my brother calls home. the two are constantly tweaking it....and up next: the guest house- aka. my brother's airstream that sits up on the hill. he is going to make into a place his guests can come and stay!
Those slidiing doors are awesome -- what a well decorated bachelorette pad, he's got good taste!
oh wow! that place is so charming! I am sure he loves it.
That is so cool. I love all the details. Interesting and exciting life you brother has led, so it makes sense his pad would reflect that. I love the barn doors too.
Everybody wants his sliding doors. They're Awesome. You can tell that a batchlor lives there with all the cool beer signs but its also very cute.
Very bachelor, but very charming at the same time! I love it.
Shannon- Love the use of color, LOVE LOVE LOVE the sliding barn door. I am sure he got a little bit of help from his sis. ;)
Great place - that sliding door is pretty amazing! What a talented family you have!
Great looking place - you guys have the "design gene". (p.s. I'm still not over Lakewood closing - it was the best!)
Wow! How fun, rustic and effortless! Love it. :D Btw, what type of camera do you use? The quality is fantastic, I'm in the market for a new one but don't know where to start!
perfect mix of manly + well designed! I LOVE it. Thanks for sharing!
Love this little pad. Very cool. Thanks for the post!
Shannon, your brother's cabin is amazing!!! So much personality! Looks like you all have talent!
What fun! I love the idea of a airstream guest house. Too funny.
It does run in the genes, doesn't it? My mom decorates, too. I LOVE this! Really unique craftsmanship. So good!
That's awesome! Your whole family is so talented.
We've been looking for a sliding track system for a door like that. Would you mind asking him where he found it? We haven't had much luck. Thanks!
what a charming rustic cabin. that sliding barn door is fantastic.
Ahhh, so, so fun!! I don't really think I can say cute since it belongs to a guy-he might not appreciate that. Adorable probably wouldn't work either. But, I love it!
p.s. Don't think I've ever told you, but I love your blog header!
no way! I just adore it. love all the details. you most certainly have one talented family.
I LOVE it!
The last picture, is it an outdoor bathtub? Love it.
hey y'all! here are some quick answers to some of your questions: my dad got the barn door hardware from "tractor supply" (that sounds real country!!). yes, that is an outdoor bathtub...it gets hot in the woods; rest assured, he does have a shower indoors though :)! and our camera is a cannon rebel T1i...its awesome but i still don't know how to fully use it.
Just posted my brother's house. Your brother is just as talented with design as mine!
That's the best designed guy's house or "pad" that I have ever seen! It is so cute and charming, but still manly. Love it!
wow! Love the Airstream guesthouse idea for a batchelor! I assumed you had done it for him, and the pictures are incredible. Good job all the way around!
So amazing! Your whole family!!! Love the cabin. How fun that you've been making memories there for 25 plus years. Loved the tour!
~ Elizabeth
That is so darn cute and quaint... but the story is even better! love it!
Wow, it's incredible, definitely magazine worthy. I really enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.
absolutely fabulous! everything!
Your brother's place is very cool. He has a great eye for design...it obviously runs in the family!
Your brother's place looks awesome! Your family is so talented and industrious, well done!
..oh fun!..love the outside"Tub"
Awesome place! Can I come visit?
It's delightful! I did a post on sheds back in July and in writing it I found that there is a pretty large flickr group for sheds (and there is a forum too but for some reason my bookmark is not working anymore). Anyway, the flickr group is here http://www.flickr.com/people/sheds/ .. who knew?... you should add that cute little shed to it.
Is that an outhouse? Love it!
Oh I L O V E it!!!! You have one talented family.
Fabulous place! You can see the love put into it... (Is he single??)
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