Wednesday, October 20, 2010

right around the time taylor reached 6 months, i decided i needed help.  i put an ad out at my old sorority house looking for a babysitter.  we found the best one around.  i miss katherine....she made me feel like i was still connected to college life.  she sported the latest fashion trends, made me giggle w/ her stories about roommates/boyfriends/ and going out, and was great at telling me what was "cool" these days to listen to.  she introduced me to the avett brothers.  i'm really happy she did.  some days i like to listen to this song on repeat (okay, this one too). i'm keeping my fingers crossed they play it tonight...

if i was real cool i would sport this to the concert.....
and then when it is over, i'd go home and crash in this amazing bed :)
happy hump day!

ps. i took this picture to my upholsterer to see how much they would charge to make this headboard for taylor's room- $475.  looks like i am going to have to do another DIY project!  yep, still undecided about taylor's room (she wants an adult bed aka. queen size) so i am thinking about using this.....


  1. i'm going tonight to see them!

  2. I would be so envious of a 4 year old having the bed of my dreams!! I hope you decide to go that route!

  3. Oh...have fun. I have loved that fabric for like ever! It will be gorgeous!

  4. wow $475! i'd totally do it myself. in fact, i'm trying to figure out what to do for my headboard and you totally inspired me once again. and i love the fabric you are thinking about. go for it.

  5. This make me happy! I love that your babysitter was such a kindred spirit!

  6. I love everything about this post - from the Avett Bros. to the old van to the leopard drapey look to the fannntastic upholstered headboard that looks like the one of my dreams! I want to DIY one too, so please document your project :)

  7. I love that room with that bed and that carpet- amazing. The La Fiorentina will look incredible as a headboard- I actually just bought 4 yards of it on ebay for just $80- very excited about that. Not sure what I will use it for but it is one of my absolute favourite fabrics ever so we shall see. I think your daughter would absolutely love a fiorentina bed!

  8. love, love, love avett brothers and especially this song. also i'll bet you can rock an outfit like that. its just all about having the confidence to know you can pull it off :)

  9. I think we all need that refreshing piece of young in our lives. I know I do to keep me sane! And I so love that song! I have listened to it over and over. Thank you. for the new music!

  10. I hope y'all had so much fun at the concert.

    Can't wait to see Taylor's room!

  11. Hi! LOVE your blog! I always love to see your beautiful posts! Your children are darling!
    I too have a million dreams...with not enough money! DIY baby!
    Come visit are an inspiration!

  12. i love this!! if it makes you feel any better, i found a website yesterday (i think it was serena and lily) advertising custom made headboards like the one in the picture, so out of curiosity I designed a queen size one...roughly $1500!! and the twin size was only a couple hundred cheaper! ...and yea I would LOVE to own that outfit ;-)

    oh and I think you've just made the avett brothers my new obsession

  13. i love this room. and um the carpet. I'm sure you could make this for sure. my dad made a headboard pretty similar but with tufting and the most expensive part was the batting. but then again i didnt do any of the work so i dont know how hard it really was. i just paid lol.
