Friday, May 27, 2011

we have a 30 day stretch that is absolutely crazy...warren and i look at each other and say "what were we thinking"...starting may 15th it goes anniversary, taylor's b'day, my b'day, and then walker's...and also packed in there is mother's day and father's day....and this year we added a dance recital.  so if i have been a little off it's b/c i have been going....and we still have 2 weeks to go.
taylor begged me to make this louis cake from the princess and the frog for her b'day....well, i think you can tell from the picture, i am no baker!!  bless his's the thought that counts, right??!!  i hope y'all have a fabulous memorial weekend!!


  1. Happy belated/early birthday! Ellie just say the cake and now wants it for her birthday party... thank you very much. ha ;)

  2. Adorable pic of Taylor -- and all things considered, the alligator cake doesn't look half bad! Have a great weekend, happy birthday x 3, and good luck getting through the last two weeks of mayhem!!

  3. Memorize these days! They are precious, precious. :)

  4. Oh my word. She is such a sweetie. The picture of her hugging your words. I think the cake is priceless! Makes me want a girl!! Happy Weekend.

  5. Oh my- this makes me so excited to go to Disney in the fall! The pic of you and T is so cute, and the bday party looks exactly opposite of thrown together! What a fun (but crazy, I know) couple of months. Hopefully we can squeeze in another girls' night amidst it all! :)

  6. Taylor is such a little cutie. Happy belated birthdays & may your hectic 30 end with a relaxing 60.

  7. We have alligator cake every year in our kindergarten classroom as we are know as the All Gators Kindergarten. A HUGE mylar Gator is by the front door so our children can locate the room. I just adore gators. Thank goodness Lilly does too! tee hee

    Mrs. Kindergarten

    Our daughter is an official HS girl, I miss all the Princess moments...THANKS for a quick fix!

  8. Lovely photos!!

  9. Our December runs a little something like that. And Feb/March. They are crazy times for us. Enjoy!

  10. awww! How sweet! When my little one met Belle for the first time is was me who burst into tears (of happiness!). Lovely blog

  11. You are the cutest mom in the world! I came across your blog and loved it immediately. I love how you mix real life w/ not so much real life. :) I just have a doggie (golden retriever named Addie) and I think she is a little handful. You have two kids and you are wonder woman and You are precious! I must say... you have great party planning skills. : )

    SO CUTE!
    If I'm ever a mom, hope to throw parties like you!

    Manolos to Asolos
