Thursday, September 22, 2011

today my kids woke up at 5:00 in the morning....i walked half asleep to the LR, pull out a massive basket of toys, got milk for the kiddos, and plopped on the floor....i figured i needed something to help me face the day so i turned on adele unplugged that i recorded last night.  that girl has insane passion and her voice give me worked, she totally woke me up and put me in a good mood...i recommend you try it :)

*images all can be found on my pinterest


  1. My two year old woke up at 5 am too! What is up with that? Second cup of coffee hasn't put a dent in my stupor , SOS;)

  2. Oh, I remember those early mornings when my kiddos were younger. It seems like a blur. Love Adele and I'm sure she'd wake me up too. That quote is great! Thanks for sharing your passion.

  3. Your header for this post was simple but oh so true. I love it, I'm going to add it to my file of quotes. I leaf through them from time to time when I need a perk up :o)

  4. So what I would, and have done! Love Adele, and especially love the pink striped drapes!
    Thanks for sharing...Happy Thursday!

  5. adele is ridiculous! amazing voice! pretty pix...

    ashley over @

  6. I love Adele. I never get tired of her voice! It's something powerful! What a great way to take on the day!

  7. Love the curtains!! Can you please tell me where to find them??

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. love the pink, love the pics, enjoy your weekend and your kiddies, wish i could cuddle with my kids little again....

  10. Love the white and pink striped curtains. Can I ask where you got them?
