Tuesday, December 6, 2011

last night, i was in the middle of watching really crappy reality TV and there was a commercial that came on that made me SOB....it's a pampers commercial and it has silent night in the background....have y'all seen it?!!  it's a tearjerker.  last year, walker was the age of the babies in the commercial.  it hit me that i no longer have babies anymore.  my kiddos are growing up so fast...seriously walker can say phrases like "that's cool".  so this quote comes at a good time for me b/c i feel like i am running ragged at times and i need to stop and remember what is really important in life....like my kids decorating the christmas tree....even though they aren't putting the ornaments exactly where i would have :)

*images courtesy of a note on design, amber interiors


  1. Yes! on the quote, LOVE the kitchen image, and I agree about that commercial. My daughter just had our first grandchild and those pamper commercials say it so well. Good job mom letting the kids decorate the tree (I always moved the ornaments later after they went to bed - wish I hadn't.).

  2. My babies are now 23 and 19! You're right - enjoy every moment!

  3. that dang commercial gets me EVERY TIME.

  4. Awww. I can't imagine how hard it is to see them grow up so quickly.

    I love the images you picked for today's post!

  5. This rings so true...I had to pin it! My kids are 17 and 12 and whenever I am tempted to go with a "theme" tree...I remember that I am so lucky my kids will even decorate the tree and remissness about all the quirky ornaments they've received over the years. I love all of these images...being a big fan of natural, black and white interiors...those herringbone floors get me all the time and that kitchen...wow! Enjoy your little ones!

  6. love these pictures xx J

  7. very good reminder! i have a three year old and i look at her too often and i'm sad that she's no longer a baby. but with my situation as a single mom in a small town, i'm not really sure if or when I'll have another.

    oh, and the necklace in the second pic - amazingly beautiful!

  8. So true, enjoy the little things!


  9. I have seen that commercial too and it makes me sad that my kids have grown up so fast too ...they are 14, 11 and 5! I almost posted about it too.

    I LOVE that quote at the top of this post. In fact I have a kitchen towel that says that.

  10. I lost my oldest child 2 1/2 years ago. His name was Walker. He was such a beautiful boy, he looked like Ashton Kutcher. Every time you write about your Walker, my heart smiles because I remember when my Walker was your Walker's age. Walker was 22 and a senior at Auburn when he was killed while kayaking his senior year. and yes those little things are really big things now. thanks for your post and for your sweet spirit. love your walker....
