Tuesday, January 24, 2012

i feel about as motivated as the girl in the first pic......maybe it's the weather (i'm so over winter and rain) or maybe it's b/c i dread my to-do-list.....just one more cup of coffee and i swear i will be motivated (maybe).

*images courtesy of shop bop, ruby pr, lisa sherrywit & delight


  1. I agree with you on the weather and the need for lots of coffee!

  2. I am really ready for spring! Cute pictures

  3. I think a David Hicks La Fiorentina covered coach could raise anyone's spirits :)

  4. i feel just like you... and i feel i reach for coffee more and more for comfort, warmth and yes... a wake up...

    the poor housewives... missed last night but know it will run again and again so i will catch up! xx

  5. Coffee and PINK keep me going in the mid winter and deep freeze of Northern Michigan. Love the pictures!

  6. I know exactly how you feel! I cannot blame it on the weather as it is always sunny here but we all have days like this. Coffee is a definite motivator however : )

  7. The inspiration board is sooo good!!! The girl in the top pic is exactly what I love to draw : ) Just quiet moments. I am really loving your blog!

  8. The girl in the first picture is how I felt all last week. And the inspiration board is super motivating! Makes me want to gather my things together and make one right now!

