Tuesday, August 14, 2012

in true darby fashion, we made a huge decision yesterday (basically 1 wk before school starts) to take tay out of her small, church school she has been in and send her to big school to start 5k.  i have realized that maybe i am the one who doesn't like change.  i want to keep her in a bubble (forever).  it's hard to let her grow up...i want to protect her from everything.....i feel like it's the right decision but it's still so hard, for me i guess.  it's going to be ok, no it's going to be good, and i'm not looking back.  done. wipe your tears away. she'll be fine, right?!!!


  1. My oldest just turned two and I am already stressing about this decision! Her Birthday is the last week of July so I just worry she'll be the youngest forever and I want her to have that extra year as a baby. But I have a feeling she'll be ready. Oh how on earth did you decide?

  2. I felt the same way when my oldest went to kindergarten. It's so hard to leave the "bubble" but she was fine! It's definitely harder on us moms!

  3. LOVING that kids room and the bathroom..my daughter has the same shades in her room and I am pinning this bathroom for inspiration..we are staring on ours soon...yayyy!
    Sheree x

  4. I hear ya...a little worried about Easton as well when he started K...but with Mia, it will be sad that she is growing up but not worried (so you have that to look forward to with Walker)...she will do great and probably is excited to be a big kid!!!!

  5. Oh, I feel your pain! My daughter is starting kindergarten next week. I am so sad/excited/and happy for her all rolled up into one emotion. I want her to stay little forever...especially since she is my baby. On her last day of preschool, I was the one crying as I said goodbye to her teachers...not her! They always take change better than us :)

  6. She will be more than good- she will be great! You will too. I walked Reid to his class everyday for the first week- not because he needed me to but because I needed to. Enjoy it and cherish it- and if you're anything like me- you will cry harder at her 5k graduation ceremony :).
