Monday, January 14, 2013

 i'm so sorry i have been absent lately.  it seems life has been going a mile a minute and leaving little time for me in between!!  i hope y'all are having a fabulous start to 2013!  here's some things that are going on current in my neck of the woods.....
my house on Sullivan's Island is almost complete and the clients moved in over Christmas break....

 how cute is this doggie??!!
 btw, i am obsessed w/ the lews hardware that we used in jack and jill bathroom....she didn't disappoint!!  so go buy some!!
i got a new worm pillow made for my husband says i have a pillow problem....he might be right.
for christmas warren surprised me w/ a coffee table that i have been coveting forever...the problem was it belonged to one of my friends and she had it custom made...luckily she was ready to get rid of her :)
this weather has been amazing so the kids and i have been spending lots of time outside....Sat we headed to the zoo.  the flamingos are always a favorite of mine...their color is just amazing.

 hope everyone is doing wonderful!!  hope to be back here more often this week!!!  xo- pink wallpaper


  1. Alright sweet girl, I hope Matthew and Warren end up at another convention together so he can give my husband some pointers! Also, what is the name of the fabric on your new worm pillow? I just earmarked a picture on pinterest that had two ottomans in the browny gray colorway to seek out. I love it and need some in my life!

  2. I love the new knobs you bought...and your pillows are adorable.... so are your sweet kids.

  3. Good to hear from you! I Have you on my blog roll! House looks amazing!!

  4. The house is incredible! Wonderful job. Glad you have been enjoying some time having fun with your little ones; and good job Warren! :)

  5. congratulation! nice post and beautiful pictures.very nice color combination.

    facebook cover photo

  6. Hello,
    The exterior design of this home is absolutely beautiful. Can I move it to GA? I am obsessed with personalization, love the pillows.

  7. Love the house! What color paint did you use in their bedroom?
