Friday, March 29, 2013

well hello weekend.  it's so nice to see you.....
i've been having a moment with this song....apparently taylor has too b/c she ask me to play it over and over again.
i want to make this tonight b/c it looks oh so eat of course, while we watch the last homeland of season 1...dying over this show.  excited to still have season 2 to watch next!!
tomorrow, i'm putting on my sunday's best to go carolina cup...the last time i went i think i was on a frat bus...i'm thinking this time will be a little different (but you never know).
i hope everyone has a wonderful easter and spring break.....much love!!


  1. Great minds think alike. I have been listening to that song on repeat and have the ingredients for that pudding on my grocery list of the weekend!

    Memoirs & Mochas

  2. Love this post! You have pointed me to the Alabama Shakes song and now this one. I like your taste in music. Any idea where the "Raise your Glass" art is from or the photo? Loving both pieces of art there.

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