Monday, March 18, 2013

last night, warren and i started watching homeland.  my  mom and dad told me we would like it and it is good stuff!!  we only watched two but i was on the edge of my seat the entire time (probably b/c i am a scary cat and that stuff freaks me out)!  can't wait to watch more tonight!!  i hope y'all had a wonderful weekend!!  btw, brooke did a post on her favorite foods to cook and i made her salmon was amazing!!!

*images courtesy of crush cul de sac, morrison flax interiorscole chics, la dolce vitaphilip house


  1. We just watched the entire first season last week! We stayed up wayyy too late we are dragging this week from too many late nights. It is goood stuff!

  2. I'll have to check out both Homeland and that salmon recipe!

  3. We watched the two season in two weeks. Love it!

  4. I'm scared if we watch Homeland we'll get sucked in.

    So glad you loved the salmon. It's an easy favorite around here!

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