my little girl/ drama queen is turning one tomorrow! i can't believe a year has flown by...kind of brings tears to my eyes!! so this memorial day, as well as many, many future ones, we will be celebrating having this little munchkin being brought into our lives. i don't think we ever knew how much our lives would change for the better. happy memorial weekend!
Happy Birthday Taylor! She looks just like her daddy!-esp. in the picture you posted today. Hope to see you over the weekend.
Hooray, how exciting! She is so darn cute, and I love the picture w/ the little striped dress. Hope you guys have a wonderful time...she is such a little blessing.
How fun!! 1 year old birthdays are the best!!!
Happy Birthday Taylor!!!
Awww happy birthday!! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend :)
thanks so much y'all!! taylor had a super fab b'day w/ her family and got some fun new toys to enjoy!
Ah, happy birthday sweet Taylor!!!!! She is a beauty, just like her mom.
aw, sweet thing! I think she is saying " hey mom, get a load of this worm!"
happy b-day liittle one!
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