what did you think about the final 3 in project runway?? i am not a kenley fan but she did bring it for the runway show (i really liked her bridesmaid's dress). i was disappointed in jerell. i was not a fan of that bridesmaid's dress or the whole chain thing he was feeling in his collection. but i am sad to see him go. i think i am going to have to pull for leanne for the winner; i really like the architectural elements she puts in her garments and her bridesmaid's dress was so pretty...whose your pick??
as for the top design (which i unfortunately snoozed a little during...i mean it was for like 5 minutes), congrats to eddie for his win!! you go!! however, i so thought you should have won the floral arrangement...
alright, i am going to be late taking my daughter to school....pitiful- i need a life!!
I say good for the three women finalists. I have been thinking this season was weak, but they are really pulling through at the end. Looking forward to the runway show.
absolutely adored the blue bridesmaid dress! so chic. can not believe the show is coming to an end, pout!
I LOVE these!!
i'm gonna make my own site about it
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