this afternoon i created a deco file on domino (you should totally do this...its so much fun to have all of you favorite pics right there; you can store things from your favorite magazines and blogs, and you find out so much about your range of style...it's addictive). so i was searching my "daily reads" for some cool pics and i stumbled upon this.....
chapman radcliff is closing.......i can't take it........one of our friends is getting married in LA (next oct.) and i was so excited to FINALLY be able to get to that town and see none other than the legend herself...to drool in her store, to express to her how much her design has inspired me, to take pictures of us together.....my heart hurts.....
**i have until the end of oct. if my husband wants to surprise me with a plane ticket...we could knock out a lot of things at one time: go see ruthie, hangout w/ LC and Brody, celebrity stalk, dance at the clubs...warren, you are sooooo LA (ha, if you know my husband, he is so far from this it's super funny)...maybe this should be a surprise girl's trip......hey BFF's??!!
I am all in for a girls trip!
I just found your AWESOME blog, through the post you did on Eddie Ross' white painted secretary....loved that one! Thanks for the inspiration!
Stop by and see me sometime if you have a chance-
The Lettered Cottage
yes girls trip - your fav girl
not too late to book for this weekend...could watch me pass out as I pass the finish line and then go shopping!!!!!!!!!!!1
Megan, i would be there in a heart beat if i could afford the ticket and then to shop! i can't believe you are about to run 26 miles!! i ran a mile last night and almost died (seriously, i don't think i have exercised since brgotr i was preggers w/ taylor....)
Oh no!!! I will never get to see it in person. But, I do understand wanting to have more time for your family and yourself.
hey~ i did a posting on this last month ( i think?) she still has some beautiful pieces for sale and on sale.
wat is this girl trip all about
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