Monday, December 22, 2008

the final countdown....

can you believe its the week of christmas??!! i have officially started my holiday vacation and am enjoying spending time with my family. last night, dad and i went and got/dug up a tree (yes, dug up one). we went to a christmas tree farm and my dad didn't like the idea of cutting it down, so he asked the man for a shovel and put the little guy in a bucket...after christmas, he is going to plant it in their yard next to last year's tree. he's a lot nicer to the trees then we are...kind of makes me feel bad for our "cut" down tree. i guess we will be decorating it sometime's a small guy much like these...i guess the older/wiser you get, the less you desire having a huge tree to decorate.
we have many things on our list today to tackle: wrapping presents, painting an adorable gift my dad made tay (he's so good, i can't wait to show y'all), buying some stocking stuffers, making christmas cookies...the list goes on and on...i hope y'all are enjoying time w/ your fams as well and not reading this silly blog at work...and if you are, tell your boss that working during the holidays is for losers :)


  1. Sounds like the start to a perfect holiday vacation! Enjoy your time with your family. And I love the photo- simple and sweet.

  2. Cute picture of the poinsettas!
    I agree, everyone should be on vacation during the holidays!

  3. Thanks for the recent comment on my blog. I visit yours regularly and really enjoy it.Love the post you did on the spec home you've worked on. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas! Michele
    p.s. Your daughter is adorable. My daughter is now 10 but I remember her first few Christmas's fondly.

  4. Merry Christmas PW!! Hope that cutie baby has a wonderful day.xoxo Ali

  5. I still can't believe it...ahh! happy holidays!

  6. Have a fabulous Christmas & a wonderful time with your family. Amanda xx

  7. Sounds like you had a really nice holiday. I actually visited the US for the first time ever this year and spend new years on Manhattan which was amazing!

    Nice blog by the way! :)
