Wednesday, December 24, 2008

you better watch out, you better not cry....

you better not pout i'm telling you why....
i am officially signing off to go and eat breakfast with my fam, look at the "small tree" with a ridiculous amount of gifts under it, and remember what christmas is really all about. i hope y'all have a wonderful holiday and thank you so much for a fabulous 2008. i could have never imagined having a response like this when i randomly created this blog. y'all are the best and have made me a better designer/ person b/c of it. wishing you and your family a merry christmas and happy new year- much love, pink wallpaper


  1. hope you have a merry christmas!

  2. Love this photo. Merry Christmas!!!


  3. I didn't get a chance to wish you well earlier, so I hope your Christmas was wonderful! xo-Sarah

  4. That photo is priceless! I hope that you had a very wonderful and Merry Christmas with your family! xx

  5. This picture is so funny, and yet it makes me want to cry too! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas:)

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