Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the china closet....

i think this picture is so beautiful...maybe b/c it uses my favorite colors so well. and it makes me think about thrift shopping...maybe one day my future house will have a room like this...
i have a new love for the site 20 x 200, which allows anyone a chance to own fabulous art at any level...you should check it out....that where i found this little beauty!


  1. Love the color palette! I think we have the same taste in colors ;)
    I've been meaning to check out 20x200 for some time now. Thanks for reminding me! And I really like the picture you chose. :)

  2. Very soothing color scheme! I love that...I also love the cabinet space...it allows pack rats like me to collect all kinds of unnecessary (but necessary) stuff! :)

  3. I would love to rummage through that closet! Thanks for the intro to the site.

  4. Thanks for the heads up on this site. I can't wait to start searching on it, but work calls so it will have to wait until after work.

    What a great closet. I imagine it being near some sort of pottery studio.

    I love the colors. It reminds of that great paint color that is on the walls of Restoration Hardware.

  5. I love that site too, they have some great things on there. And I LOVE that China Closet, I wish I had all of those things...better yet, I wish I had a room like this to store all those things in!

  6. Great pic and thanks for a tip to a new site full of goodies!

  7. What a beautiful image! I'd love to have a room like that!

  8. China or shoes...? China or shoes...? China or shoes...? However does one decide! Why, get two is what we'll do!

  9. I love 20 x 200 as well! It is such a great site. And that room looks so heavenly- such beautiful colors and so much space!!
