Friday, September 14, 2012

bright white....that's what i need right now.  i stayed up too late last night.  i'm not a good sleeper when my husband is away (luckily he's on his way home now).  so i stay up really late listening to all the sounds, triple checking on my sleeping kiddos, watching horrible late night tv, looking at pinterest...i wish i was just the kind of person who got into bed and fell fast asleep.  but hey, at least it's the weekend!!  i hope y'all have a peaceful one :)  see you next week!


  1. Can't help but love bright white!

    I'm exactly the same when it comes to sleeping....people that can fall right to sleep are truly gifted.

    xx. Patience

  2. i love how calming white can be. this is a lovely round-up. hope you get some sleep tonight!

  3. You always have the best posts Shannon. They brighten my day! Cheers to a fantastic weekend

  4. Great prints! I need more art in my life.

  5. I am exactly the same. When my husband goes away for some reason the scary scenes from movies I watched 10 yrs ago pop into my head. Not good. Hope you have a good night`s sleep tonight now that he will be home.


  6. UGH my Husband was away all week also and I had the WORST sleep so I totally feel your pain! Love your blog!!

  7. Gorgeous blog, looking forward to following along for great ideas!!

  8. I never sleep when he's away either...Or i leave on zillions of lights. Mr C being away is not good for the electricity bill or the planet! ;)

  9. Love the color of that front door and the bright white stairway!
