first i will touch on the obvious- the room is wonderful. great use of the popular lulu dk "chant" fabric on the DR chairs. and as y'all should know, monogramming makes it better, so i love the wing chair with the table! the floors are a beautiful ebony and i love the detailing down the leading edge of the draperies.
but this AM as i looked at this picture, i decided that it makes me mad b/c when i relate it to me and my house, it couldn't be further! so i pictured myself sitting on the floor like this "model" looking mom and this is what i saw...me in my grey velour sweat pants and an orange hoodie (that i wore when we painted our porch so it has white paint splattered all over it) sitting on our light oak floor (which is covered in our golden's hair)...my hair, nothing close to graceful...piled up in a messy ponytail desperately needing highlights (i am suppose to be blond)...oh and those beautiful sex in the city looking shoes- those should be replaced by pink jcrew bedroom slippers. than i see my cutie 5 month old, she isn't wearing a starched, white boutique dress but rather an old navy onesie (and underneath it she has one sock on b/c we decided her feet were freezing at night and that's the best we could come up with- you ask why one sock, b/c when my husband changed her diaper this AM, one fell off and he didn't put it back on). lastly, i move on to my room...we do have somethings in common...a seagrass rug- hers is missing the stain from my golden. we do have a table with chairs but mine is an antique set that belonged to my great aunt- it squeaks if you bump into it...and the fabric on the chairs are a horizontal stripe that is a silk (why??) lastly, the one common thing i can smile and proudly say i have is lulu dk. i splurged and had draperies made with moondance and have a leading edge detail....
so maybe my life isn't too far from this picture...minus the fact that she has showered and her kid has hair....happy tuesday!
I love it! We are all beautiful as our humanly imperfect selves. Its joyful to be inspired by the art & beauty around us. Simple as that.
By the way, I'm really coveting the super shiny black painted floors in that picture (as I look down at my scratched dining room wood floor). Can you suggest what kind of paint is best? I'm totally inspired to go paint it!
Yes! I'm glad someone said it! Just got back from installing a houseful of window treatments to be treated to a pile of throw up from my chocolate lab. So most of us are in the same boat, whether we care to admit it! At least we can give other people perfection!!!
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