i remember being pregnant and showing my husband this picture and saying "i want our nursery to look like this"...you should have seen his expression; he was like "are you kidding me??" he couldn't get past the chairs. i still love this nursery and i think it's the juxtaposition of the david netto crib w/ the ornate antique side chairs and exposed pipes in the ceiling. i don't know, sometimes i think it's nice to have a "non- baby" nursery. i think that this is definitely a baby's room but i like the grown up aspects of it and the fact that the homeowner simplified the baby items. i think sometimes we can be too influenced by the "babies r us" crap and think that you must have all of that stuff in order for the baby to survive. we have it, however, i keep the ugly stuff in the closet and only display the "prettier" baby items like her
manuella duck or the
dwell baby blocks, the
bla bla mobile...maybe that is the same technique this homeowner used and if the photographer shot the other side of the room we would then see the elmo, winnie the pooh, baby einstein, leap frog, dora toys scattered all around...but somehow i doubt it.
yeah but it is that baby r us crap that stimulates and excites the child..they seeem to love the bright colors and gaudiness of it all. I agree that it is not the most attractive stuff in the world but they are only babies and then kids for such a short time (they'll have plenty of time to be grown up) so I say let them be kids and enjoy a room full of Elmo or Dora or whoever they want if it makes them happy even if it doesn't go with the custom window treatments or the rest of the house...they'll be moved out before you know it and you'll be free to make it your own... and then you'll probably be missing that Hello Kitty room and house full of plastic or maybe just missing the days when you were younger!
i so apologize...I didn't mean to sound so horrible with the comment...that is just my sarcasm which doesn't come out so well in e-mail...I always give Shannon such a hard time about how she hates the gaudy colors of baby toys and how she is always on the look out for designer looking toys..again, i apoligze if it came out wrong...Shannon and I will be shopping for elmo lights tomorrow..ha!!!!
PW, I totally second you on designing a room that can grow with your child and appeal to his/her senses at different stages (with slight modifications). After all, you don't want to have to go out and buy ALL new stuff when they turn 7, and then again at 14, because suddenly their nursery decor is too "babyish". Parents can provide more direct stimulation for their kids through read-aloud books, art, and interactive play!
By the way what is the source of this gorgeous photograph? I'd love to see it up close!
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