i can't believe i have had a blog this long and haven't written about
sheila bridges. her interiors are just amazing. her designs are all over my office- either on my corkboard or found in my notebooks. the use of color in her design is just effortless...they are
always right on. i can remember seeing the silhouette ottoman for the first time and i just flipped out. it is such a modern spin on a classical art tradition- LOVE!!
Love them...the first room is great!
Gorgeous!! I might have to post a blog on her as well.
These pictures are beautiful... especially loving the top one. Are those peach hydrangeas?! Gorgeous.
Oh how lovely Sheila is!!!! I love all of her work!
I love that room with the pink chairs. I forget where I saw it before, but I loved it then and now.
Thanks for the comment, too!
I love that blue dining room!
Love the room w/the black glass bookcases. Hadn't seen that before.
Sigh, these rooms are just so, so pretty!
i love her work. thank you for introducing me to her.
This blog is amazing!!!I love to drive by a bridge, actually there are bridge beautiful for their structure or their size. simply love it. I´ll approach
costa rica investment opportunities in this country there are land that need big bridges.
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