this was me last night but instead of holding the clock, i was fumbling around in my office at 1:00 in the morning. i have so much stuff going through my head work related that i couldn't sleep. my husband was annoyed w/ me this AM for staying up but it was a combination of excitement to get started on this project, anxiety due to the deadlines, and just purely b/c i couldn't get my mind to stop thinking about furniture....does this happen to y'all. so now i am exhausted, on my 3rd cup of coffee which is
black....i'm not sophisticated enough to drink black coffee, on any given day of the week you will find me loading up on the sugar and cream but for some reason i thought black would be more hard core...i need hard core this AM.
I find myself waking up at 3am, and then staying up to work. Headstart! That is what I think.
I seem to do that all the time these days - between work and the wedding I have no time to sleep! 26 days!!
I hate those days, I'm sorry!
I hate those days, I'm sorry!
Call me sick,I love those days, I love staying up late (when I can) and also going to bed early to wake up way early and work. Some of my best work is done at that time, no phone to interrupt me, not anyone to side-track me.
I light a candle and feel like wee willy winkie! Embrace that energy - on those days of design ocdc, run the extra mile, jump rope, and stay away from juggling knives.
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