i use to think my mom was crazy b/c she woke up at 5:30 in the AM....now i am that person. for the past week, i have been waking up at 5:48 randomly. and once my eyes open, my mind starts racing...it's crazy. i look at the clock, then at warren, then try and close my eyes and think happy thoughts like you have a whole hour to sleep uninterrupted (gosh, that use to be the best feeling...waking up and then discovering that you still had time to sleep before heading off to school or work). but my mind has another agenda...things to do. its like my to-do list is running thru my head. i'm not stressed out; if anything i am excited. i actually love my job and what i do.
so there i was in the bed thinking instead of that one hour of sleep that i use to long for, how nice it would be to get up and have an hour of peace and quite without interruptions...coffee, internet searching, doing my blog, starting my "to-do list"...and so here i am- great cup of coffee, 10 yr old faded sorority shirt, hair in a half bun/ ponytail, zit cream still plastered on my face, eyes barely open, and huge grin on my face b/c i have 30 minutes just to myself.....
I'm doing the exact same thing, and I love it too! IT is such a quiet, peaceful house early in the morning. Most days I wish it would just go on forever, and time would stop for a few hours!
I do the same thing. Otherwise I go weeks without a minute to myself. Unless you count potty breaks....
sister, i wake up at 2:30am most days at 4:00am others. let me say, waking up a bit early is great... too early sucks. :)
but seriously... (yes i do wake up at those hours and that's why i'm a bit off right now) it's great having time to one's self
Zit cream??
Talk about a cerebral snap-crackle-and-pop time warp...
I haven't even heard those words in 40+ years...
But I sure do like a strong, steaming, cup-o-joe in the oh-dark-thuddy hours of the morning!
That's a smart move. I'm trying to get to my work outs early in the morning [since my brain won't function for any other task before 8am]. The trick is waking up before the 4 kids. Thanks for the confirmation that it can be done!
Glad you're catching on. You can get
a lot done in the wee small hours.
Before long you might be doing a
crossword puzzle...drinking PG tips
tea...maybe even reading a chapter or
two of a book--while you do laundry,
water plants and empty the dishwasher.
You said it! Those few times that I manage to get up way before the kids is almost heavenly!
I have been doing the exact same thing the last couple of days (because of jet lag more than anything else), and it has been absolutely grand! I love seeing the sun and the world in it's first moments of the day, and it certainly is nice to have a little time to get things accomplished! Even if it is catching up on the 900+ posts I missed while I was on vacay!
I love that feeling- it's so nice to have that time to yourself- "blog time"! I am doing that now- finally catching up on all my favorite blogs
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