that is how i found her....you know when you are "searching" for things to write about and you look everywhere to try and find inspiration- well, i was flipping thru
house beautiful and i "googled"
phoebe howard b/c of her selection of green paint. i am secretly embarrassed b/c i have never even heard of her, much less glanced her way to view her website. for the last hour i have been in shock b/c of the beautiful interiors "mrs. howard" designs. i keep looking over and over again at the images...trying to decide which ones i want to put on my blog....i couldn't narrow them down; i left many others i wanted to share...phoebe (i feel like i can call you that b/c i have spent so much time w/ you this last hour), girl you rock!
I just spent the last 15 minutes looking at her gorgeous portfolio. Thank you for sharing!
Love love love her interiors!!!!!!
Oh wow! I love that second photo with the circular window and simple (in a good way) decor, so inviting. Great find!
Miss Pink Wallpaper,
I can't e_mail you, but I wrote about you on my blog today as my recommended read (this is a new thing that I am doing). thanks for being so wonderful. You can see the 4 line review at http://princessrantsandraves.blogspot.com/
Hope that you have a great day!
Princess Steph
i am swooning over that second photo and the kitchen. great post! i had to share your find.
Have you been in her Atlanta stores, Mrs. Howard and Max & Co.? They are amazing. Many of the pictures on her site are from the stores, which are decorated like a real home. The architectural detail is exquisite. Phoebe's husband, James Howard, is also a designer but does a lot more architectural design, and he did all of the architectural design in the stores.
I second "Things That Inspire". Mrs. Howards and Max and Co. honestly make the Charlotte Moss townhouse look like Bombay Co. (I am exaggerating, but def. check them out on your next visit to Atlanta).
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