Thursday, January 29, 2009

what's a girl to do....

when her beloved shelter magazine goes it really true or just a bad dream? how could conde nast end something that was so right? if i could afford a plane ticket i would stand outside and picket...
domino was a magazine for my generation...whether you were a designer or just a girl in love w/ home decor, it got you excited. i was giddy everytime i went to the mailbox and saw a new issue. the magazine gave hope and inspiration that "good design" can come in a number of different forms and can be obtainable to anyone w/ an interest in stylish breakout the tissues...this girl needs a good cry.


The Steel Magnolia House said...

I'll say it again, Indeed! No Lucky, please, no Lucky. I can't take it.

Anna O'Reilly said...

This is devastating!

###### said...

I bet Lucky is next. I just cant take anymore.

Fargerike Dagny said...

Is there any alternative???

MIMILEE said...

You poor, poor dear! I know it's hard, but remember this, "The sun will come up tomorrow, tomorrow"!! Cause ANNIE said so!

Anonymous said...

what????? i just renewed my subscription! what the ???

Anonymous said...

*gasp* I love the name of YOUR blog too! haha actually, I pretty much love everything about your blog. I'm glad we discovered eachother!

Alison Duffy said...

Still in mourning. Good thing I wear black every day to mask the poundage.

beulah designs said...

i KNOW!! i feel the same way!! i'm still in mourning. it really makes me sad too..i'm glad i'm not the only one sad over a magazine!!! that was my last favorite (american) magazine. now what?

and i love your blog : )

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

i hate it... still can't get over it! on another note...i really enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

tragedy. literally.

Haven and Home said...

Three days later and I am still depressed...

Anonymous said...

I second the what the ????? I just sent in subscription...hmmm. Well, I will apolpgize now since I will be bothering you even more without the magazine for my ideas :)

megan @ a life's design said...

I wish it wasn't true!

Wallflower Diaries said...

I had hear this & it's soooooooo sad I love this magazine!

Betsy said...

I started a blog to save Domino! Please join me in my personal crusade to convince Conde Naste to save Domino!! Tell everyone you know - we have to stop this!!