i knew it would happen...i did, but i was in denial. domino is gone and so are my 700 deco files i used daily to blog about. suggestions please...can anyone recommend another good site to upload photos?? also, if any of you have a great friend or know of a great company...i need to work on a website (someone that is innovative yet affordable- do those words go together??)....happy friday.
*image courtesy of we heart it/fffound
So depressing. I read on a blog (have to rack my brain) of a flicker site devoted to this. I'll try and find it for ya. xx Ali
Not fun!
My friend, Emily Joy, is a photographer here in Birmingham and just had a friend make a website for her. Hayley is very talented and I can get you her information if interested. I remember Emily Joy saying that it didn't cost much... you can look at what Hayley did for her: http://www.emilyjoydesigns.com/
Found it!
Perhaps if we all contribute..
look at Evernote.com
www.emilyartzfrench.com is great for graphics ~ She created my header and I LOVE it. Emily is wonderful to work with and very reasonable. Good Luck!
I had the same feelings. Just the other day I linked my blog to a How To on Domino's site and now the instructions aren't there. And I didn't print them. Sigh.
I know I am in Domino mourning still.
Love that feature photo.
hey darling - looking for a web designer? I know it is in Australia but they do work internationally and despite being a ten minute walk from me I do most of my work with them over emails etc - www.blis.net.au - best bit - Aussie dollar isn't that great which means the US dollar will go further! xx
Shannon, sometimes it is nice to keep the business local. My friend Chris Simpson is a producer of websites at Blue Ion dtown. He could connect you with some talented and affordable designers in the area. His work contact is chris@blueion.com
Hope this helps,
Chassity Evans
Small world; I posted on this sad truth today. I found a flickr site that has a library of domino images! So they may be gone, but not forgotten! :)
I'm a fan of PicasaWeb (which is a google program and free!). You can sort and edit pretty much any picture you upload yourself or download from the www.
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