it always amazes me what a $12 can of chalkboard paint can turn a space or piece of furniture into....i'm off to spruce up taylor's $5
chalkboard table and then it's time to turn her loose w/ a piece of chalk and let the creativity begin...
while i have the paint brush out, i wonder what else needs a little chalkboard paint.....
have fun! when i move in july my new room already has a wall painted with chalkboard paint - where the desk will go. i am super excited! by the way, do you have any favorite blue paint colors? my new room will kind of be like a loft so i want to paint where my bed will go a little darker and then a lighter shade for the den area. any ideas?
i so want to try a project with chalkboard paint...soon hopefully.
oh and i'm really enjoying your blog by the way...
care to exchange links?
I'm adding a huge new chalkboard into a clients little girls room. Can't wait for you to see it. Pretty cute!
These are great!!!
Babies are soooo much fun, aren't they? I love decorating for my kids. All those creative juices just keep on flowing...Have fun chalkboard painting!
This is on my list of projects to do! Love it!
I want to try this too. Would you happen to know if you can you paint over chalkboard paint with normal paint afterwards?
Oh, I love the old school house look.
I am sure it will be hugely used! It is such fun to draw and doodle...
Happy weekend!
cute! i need to just buck up and do one of these!!
such gorgeous images
I love this! I posted about something similar long ago.. and its something i'm still looking forward to use in my home!
For the last 20 yrs. I have loved CB paint. Brings personality to a space. I recently painted my kitchen pantry door. Gave some pop to an ordinary room. Right now we have the Norwegian alphabet on it! Terrific images (:
I painted my office in chalkboard paint... I'll admit, I don't use the chalkboard aspect of it all too often, but I think it'll be useful when I have little ones that need entertaining!
I love chalk boards ... i really nice. ery nice post and VERY nice blog.
Another beautiful post!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog everyday and that is why I have nominated you for a Splash Award! Check out my post tomorrow for what you need to do next!
Rebecca June
I love this post!! I am going to paint a chalk board wall in my kitchen!! I love your blog!!
Congrats on the Splash award!
I love the look, but I don't like chalk. :)
that is such a great idea!
I love chalkboard paint. I am hoping to use it in a message center area of my new mudroom.
Love your blog! I laughed out loud at "while i have the paint brush out, i wonder what else needs a little chalkboard paint.." I am the same way! :)
I just think chalkboard paint is like the greatest invention!!! soo much fun!
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