now the chest does have one catch, it was taken from a kiawah house where she was used as a vanity....so it has a hole in the top. i can't decide if i want to turn her back into a chest for my entryway; i could have a wooden top made or i could get a piece of marble cut for it. the other option would be to keep her as a vanity and used it in the 'next house' (wherever that maybe)...i would put a marble top on and maybe paint her a french blue....
so now i ask you...what treasures are lurking in your garage??
Paint it French Blue and give it a marble top and be happy now. If and when a move happens, you can think about re-purposing the piece for a vanity.. unless you find another fine treasure that might work. There are just so many fine treasures out there in favorite junkin' spots, what are we to to?
Are you freaking kidding me? That chest is so gorgeous! Great find!
We don't have a garage, but my closet and basement is full of thrift store and CL finds that are waiting for us to move to a home with more room. This little quirk of mine drives my husband absolutely nuts! He says I shouldn't buy something unless there is a space for it right now. I say whatever.
New additions to my closet/basement collection this week? A pair of vintage marble lamps waiting to be rewired and a really awesome pair of wingbacks waiting for floor-length linen slips.
Holy long comment! :)
Oh wow I want to live in your garage! That is my hubby domains so he freaks a bit when I try putting things in there, because it's already on the small size.
I'm constantly picking up new chairs and artwork. I don't have a home from them, but I just couldn't live them in thrift stores. I wish I had more room to save even more things!
OMG - I wish I had your garage!!Totally agree w/Mary Beth - enjoy it now and it can always be a vanity in your next house.
I want to come to your next garage sale!!
I too buy things and store in my "husbands" garage which drives him crazy. But nothing as gorgeous as that piece. Please share where you thrift shop. I live in Beaufort and love to shop in Charleston.
This needs to be put in your house asap. Love it!!!!!!
Seriously? I'm so jealous right now!
definitely jealous! detail is amazing.
Fabulous piece. What a fun find. We don't have a garage- only a carport. So nothing fun hiding in there!!
I say use it now and put a new top on it. You can always convert it back to a vanity one day, if needed/wanted!
how I would love to raid your garage. I have a chair that needs to recovered, nothing special.
Oh, I just wish that I had something so stunning in my garage but I think all I have in mine sadly is bike and ski equipment!
I have used this Hickory Chair chest before and it is stunning so I am sure yours is even more fabulous! I would paint it black and add a Calcutta Marble top to it. Please.
Rebecca June
Get it out of the garage now! I like the marble on top idea. If you wanted to create more work for yourself, could could paint it one color, then do a slightly different color in the recessed areas...
So beautiful! No antique treasures in my garage... the hubby's toys take up too much space!
Twom mahoghany empire arm chairs that I found scrounging through a store in Michigan. Paid $35.00 for the pair. They need be taken apart, stablized and the seats recovered..but the wood is spectacular.
I'd say if you have the space now, use and enjoy!!!!
Oh my goodness I LOVE that piece of furniture. I say a definate french blue!!!!
Love the piece. You must have a very classy garage! A less expensive coverup to marble would be a mirrored top. You can have the sides beveled. Looks great. And then there is always painting the chest black...Very Hollywood regency, but in a not over the top way. Great find must equal great eye!
i LOVE this post... i love what you have done and maybe next time we can do a swap meet with yours and mine... i do have quite a few treasures... waiting to be unveiled... have a great weekend...
I love this dresser! I have a dresser I just happened to pull out of my garage recently. It doesn't look quite as nice at this one, but this inspired me to create something new with it.
Thanks for sharing!
We had that in the store a couple years ago, its a Hickory Chair piece. I would think it was the one we sold, but ours moved with client to London.
Excellent find!
Oh I am so jealous, that is an amazing find! I have 3 lights fixtures collecting dust on shelves instead of on ceilings. I do have big plans for them though!
I have three chairs and a couch with great bones in need of reupholstering. Help!
That is stunning - bring it on out!!
what a beautiful piece! lovely! the marble top sounds divine :)
um, you can give it to me!
just kidding (sort of). what if you have a top cut and hang on to the one with a hole so you have options in the future?
WOW!! Paint it blue and use it now.
I wish that was hiding in my garage!!!! :)
um WOW...that is one heck of a find. i guess you wouldn't want to let us know where your favorite junkin spot is?? i would drive many miles to find something that gorgeous!
I am pretty sure I do not have anything THAT cool in my garage...but I like the marble idea...and I love French blue in small quantities...
That is absolutely gorgeous! I have a vintage parlor that I tried stripping about a year ago, but never finished. I've thought about converting my shed into a studio for my photography, and utilizing the parlor as a desk. I just wish I was crafty in that department!
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