dear fairy godmother,
please magically come and unpack all of my boxes, explain to my poor readers- if i have any left- why i have been gone so long (not having access to the internet is a real you-know-what), help taylor realize that she doesn't need to wake up at 4:30 AM to tell me to read her a book, and lastly- make me not envious of this beautifully decorated/ perfection of a house.....oh, and is it too much to ask to throw in that part about: and they all lived happily ever after (i could really use that right about now)??!
thanks bunches-
pink wallpaper
cute...stay afloat. we are still here. and love you.
You still have readers! And we'll all be here when your life calms down a bit. :) No worries.
Best of luck with the unpacking...
Don't worry, Shannon! :) We'll be waiting for you. We know this is a tough time for you guys. Good luck!!
Ditto to all of the above :) Love the first photo, so cute.
We are all still here and will wait as long as it takes to get life to normal. Hang in there!
Take your time! Your blog is adorable as ever.
no lie...I just logged onto one kings lane before I came here and I stared at the image for probably .5 hour. Then I went outside to see if that color would look good on my door. My paint color is briarwood which I'm over now but it's close to the color of this house....thinking the blue may hold me over! I would then have to sedate my 1.5 year old yellow lab to sit so nicely in front of it.
Unpack one box at a time and consider re-packing the books for now :)
Such pretty pictures. Happy holidays. :)
that blue door image is everwhere and I love it and want to paint mine in defiance of my condo board!
Oh my. I do feel your pain. I have moved houses more than I'd like to admit. You can do this... as one smart blogger has already remarked... one box at a time.
Two year ago this week, my husband and I moved from Toronto to Dallas and into our most recent house. Nightmare.
Three years ago, the week after Christmas, we moved from Dallas to Toronto.
I could bore you with the many other moves (dozens) all at really crappy times of the year, but just know that you will get through. Good luck... one box at a time. Or three.
What a lovely picture! And just relaxe, take your time...you have plenty of loyal fans. Try not to get too annoyed at reading the book in the wee hours. They fly by fast!
Good luck! I'll still be here when you come back :)
Lovely pictures.
good luck dear !
I am new to your blog and I love it!
You are not alone. One box, one day at a time. Your readers will be here when you are ready:)
I'm still here :)
Hope things calm down before the holidays for you.. :)
I'm here to restate what all your readers are saying...we'll still be here. Take your time and if the fairy godmother makes a stop at your house send her to mine when she's done!
Shannon- We've missed you! But we're all still here. xx- Brooke
Unpacking is THE WORST! I'm so sorry!
I LOVE this post!!! And especially that last pic. Hey, can I borrow your Fairy Godmother? Promise I'll have her back after she organizes my house, decorates for Christmas and gives me a clone.
Your readers are still here!
Don't you worry, I will certainly be here, whenever you are back. Take it easy, unpack slowly and enjoy a little holiday spirit in between!
Say Hi to the Fairy Godmother, I could use her too once in a while...
This is so nice to see how many of us adore you! Don't worry about us- you have more important things on your plate right now :)
we're still here!! and i love that door!!! hang in there & oh my goodness the 4:30 wakeups must be rough!!!! BIG HUG!!!
no worries... good luck and may the UNpacking gods be with you.
xo, Keidy
Good luck- hang in there- you'll get it done!
Good day !.
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Just found you today- and I'll wait... i love a good (photo) story!
Hope it's all going okay! All your readers are here when the boxes gone and Santa has come through.
You are too cute! Always a pleasure viewing your blog.
Still here and look forwarding to catching up with you soon! Take care!
If I had a magic wand, I'd wave it in your direction.
I recently had to take an extended leave from my blog...I had no time to write. I felt like I was missing out by not having time to read other blogs, but I did return refreshed, refocused, and ready to jump back in. I needed the break. So enjoy your time and know we will be right here waiting for you.
too cute! Always a pleasure viewing your blog.
Work from home India
stay strong!! its going to be ok!! ...I'm sorry Taylor is waking up for story time....I feel you...my little ones are keeping me up all hours of the night too ;) Its just a stage ;)
Good things come to those who wait, right ;) Happy Holidays and take a deep breath! Enjoy this time. xx
Very cute blog! I can't wait to see more posts from a fellow southern gal. Good luck with the move... been there, done that!
no one's left, we're still here! good luck unpacking (eeek).
we'll all be here when your life calms down a bit. :) No worries.
Best of luck with the unpacking...
Work from home India
We'll be waiting for you. We know this is a tough time for you guys. Good luck!!
kobe beef steaks
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