have you ever suffered from pregnancy meltdowns (where you turn completely crazy for no apparent reason)? i had one last night....it was caused by the library calling to tell me to return "elmo's potty time" for the second time. i sat on the couch and shed some tears and said i need some "me time". it lasted about ten minutes...then i felt silly and ate ice cream.
ha....being pregnant- isn't it grand :)
Yes, definitely a symptom that I don't miss about expecting...you feel so out of control of your own emotions!!! Hope you do get some "me" time!
It's ok, you have a great excuse. You're making a little person, that's hard work !
You are so adorable, Shannon!
Some days, when I need some 'me time' I just go into the bathroom and lock the door for a few minutes. I get bored pretty quick and am more willing to come out and face my kids/responsibilities. :)
I hope the move/settling in is going well.
PS We have the Elmo's potty time DVD (maybe there is a book that you have?). Anyway, it is HILARIOUS and so awkward to watch the real life cast talk about potty stuff. I giggle all the way through it.
I completely understand! Except that I'm preggo with my first--- I don't have a little one at my feet to take care of like you do!
Bless your heart'
I have no doubt that you will return Elmo, fully pottytrained!!
Hang in there, those hormone rages can be up and down!
Take some time for you, it's a good thing to do.
Have agreat day,
Oh man, that story sure does bring back memories! I remember sitting at my desk at work sobbing for NO REASON. Talk about embarrassing!
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife.
I so know what you mean... With 2 kids I had many {still do}. I was a fighter when I was pregnant not really a crier, but had many freakout/meltdown moments. They soon will be over & you will have a new bundle of joy! "Me Time" is perfect! Have it once a day if you can! Good luck...
sometimes I act like that and I'm not even pregnant!!
Might I add, that having teenagers makes being pregnant seem like a day at the beach.
No, not really, but hang in there and a good cry always makes me feel better. Do you have a "tear jar?"
are you kidding me...i melt down now (not pregnant) just thinking about being pregnant again. i hated being pregnant...glow?...that's called sweat. and having my grandmother in law say i looked fabulous with a fuller more weighty figure...yeah NOT cool!
oh my gosh.. I still do that and my baby is 2!
Rather nice place you've got here. Thanks the author for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.
You are too cute. I am just three weeks away from having my fourth and believe me, I MELT DOWN TOO MUCH! My husband just pats my back and reminds me it will all be over soon.
Blessings to you.
I'm w/ Blue Hydrangea - I act like that sometime and I'm not pregnant either!
Yes! But ice cream and/or chocolate always made me come to my senses. Oh my poor husband. What I put him through!
Oh yeah! The good thing is I still eat ice cream and feel much better after any meltdowns, mine or the rest of the family....
Ah I am so sorry! Sounds like the icecream helped to kill the silly hormones :)
Yes I recall those moments during pregnancy......except I still have them on occasion these days and I'm not even prego!!!
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