yesterday, my little girl turned 3! it's hard to believe how quickly she has grown up...part of me wants her to stay young forever and part of me gets so excited watching the little personality she is turning into. we celebrated with a pool party. it was her first b'day party w/ friends and she loved it (
and it only rained half on the time). on her real b'day, i decided that i would make a second attempt at baking a
giant cupcake for her class (for anyone who has followed this blog, my
1st attempt was a
disaster). luckily, this time it actually worked...there happens to be
a lot of web information on this cupcake and all the trouble it can cause....so beware if you are a beginner like myself- it's not as easy as it looks! luckily, it actually tasted okay too. here are some pictures from the weekend and yesterday....
on a different note, i have to say that taylor's b'day was met w/ a mixture of emotions...one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident w/ her children hours after leaving the party when her car hydroplaned. luckily, we are so blessed that the children were left untouched and she will be able to make a full, but slow recovery. when things like this happen, it makes you want to go around and tell everyone how much they mean to you. i love you B!
Tay is such a little doll! Looks like she had a great party - you have a gorgeous family! Hope you're feelin' good!
So lovely! Happy Birthday Taylor! Your family is beautiful, you look gorgeous! Sending lots of love your friends way- xx
Sounds as though your day was full of emotion. Taylor looked so happy at her 3rd birthday. They do grow fast. Cherish every moment.
Oh man. I hope and pray that your friend makes a speedy recovery after her car accident. How frightening that she was with her children when it happened. Sending love and prayers her way.
mb from Dallas
... one more thing. Your family is darling. Looking cute mama.
love the shutters on the porch and the stripes on your pillows... missing New England.
mb from Dallas
Oh, I hope your friend is doing okay, things can change on a dime so quickly. Your daughter is adorable, three is such a wonderful age, enjoy!
Happy Birthday, Taylor. She is precious and you look great!!
So glad to hear your friend and children are okay... praying for your friend's recovery.
So cute!
I'm so glad your friend and her family are ok. You're daughter is adorable - and the cupcake cake turned out amazing - good work!
My niece just turned three. She is at such a fun age! I imagine your daughter is similar.
I'm so sorry to hear that your friend was in such a serious accident, but thank goodness she will be okay and the kids are okay.
Those invites are adorable, love them and the giant cupcake!!
How sweet. 3 was hard for me, but kj is our last baby. the party looks like a blast. Praying for your friend to make a fast recovery, so scary.
aaaw how cute!! Happy Birthday!! beautiful party!!!!
great job on the party, i love the minnie mouse theme. and thank goodness your friends will be allright, a hard way to end the day but you're right, after a day like that, you really see how much you have to be thankful for.
What a sweet party! Looks like y'all had a blast! Girl, you barely look pregnant, even in light colors! Still trying to decide what my daughter's theme will be, she turns 2 in a month.
Love it! My daughter turns 4 a month before my next baby is due and I am dreading the planning.
Taylor is SO adorable! What a cute party! My prayers are with your friend and her family!
Happy Birthday T! What a fun age. I am still loving that little print dress...wanting pillows in that fabric!
I'm glad your friend will be OK and her kiddos are without harm. I can't imagine how scarey that was.
What a fun party for an adorable girl! Glad the angels were watching over your friends:)
Tay is so adorable -- and I love the minnie mouse theme you had going! And that cupcake looks great...even if it DID take a few attempts to get it right. :)
Have a wonderful long weekend, Shannon! Off tomorrow for vacation...
Cute Cute Cute!
Adorable all around!
If only we had super-powers to keep our children and our friends safe as well as age-less.
Sending good thoughts to you and those you love.
Sorry to hear about your friend, lucky that "3" just keeps on playing and growing....in spite of what life gives us!
Adorable (& chic) party! Happy birthday to your daughter and best wishes for your friend's speedy recovery.
Great looking party!
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