Tuesday, March 22, 2011

my husband totally gets me....he called at lunch and here's our conversation:
me: our house looks like a bomb went off, seriously....i think, i will go into the bedroom and dump out our drawers just to make it look a little better.
hubs: it's awful.
me: i know.  i am suppose to have a play date this afternoon....we are totally going to the park. no one can come into our house.
hubs: if someone knocks on the door, just run outside and start crying and act like we got robbed.
he's a genius :)

*images courtesy of camilles styles, design darling, the alternative bride, traditional home, shelter


Emma (Glitter and Gold) said...

omg he is a genius!!! total keeper - so funny : ) Have a fun day at the park!

KatiePerk said...

Brilliant! Enjoy your play date. My house looks frightening right now. I am blaming it on the pollen. I am not sure why or how, but that is my answer.

Natasha @ Northern Light Design said...

LOL! At least no one is stressing about life's little hick-ups :)

Love the first image!!

Northern Light

The enchanted home said...

So sweet and cute, what a guy! Sounds like a keeper:-)

Lauren@BaylorSays... said...

Hilarious!! My husband gets me too...or is just the most understanding person ever...or just keeps silent rage well under control. He never complains about the tornado aftermath that is our house and constantly assures me that I work soooo hard, it's totally okay! :-)

Have fun at the park!! Sometimes people just don't need to come inside.

Designwali said...

so funny....i love image #3....going in my dream house folder!

Anonymous said...

My kind of guy :) He genius!

lizziefitz said...


Tote said...

He is too funny! Keep him, he has a great imagination.


Sarah @ Cubicle Sanity said...

Hahahah. That is tooo funny. Normally I am the one telling my boyfriend that HIS house looks like a bomb went off. One day I took the paper and spread it all over the living room to, trying to make a point. It stayed there for 3 days....bet you can guess who ended up cleaning it up :(

Naomi Goodman said...

OMG I love this! Hilarious! Your husband is genius!

Kiki said...

perfect excuse... you could probably only use it once or twice though before people got suspicious...
I'm in love with those cute little ribbon flags in the top pic, could use them on so many things...

Cheryl said...

Oh my gosh, I love him~ I hope your day was wonderful!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Hysterical...that explains my teen aged son's room.

Cherry Blossoms said...

That is funny. I can understand his humor because a year ago our home got broken into. Well, that morning I was running late for work and had no time picking up my bathroom so my makeup and towels were everywhere.
The jerks who robbed us never made it into our master bedroom but the police at the time did not know that. When they walked thru our house w/ my husband to take fingerprints and so forth the cops said to my husband "Brace yourself, they really hit up your bathroom!" and my husband said "nope, thats just how my wife leaves her bathroom when she is running late for work!". I was so embarrassed when I realized that the police saw my bathroom in that condition.

Naturally Carol said...

Every drama queen needs a guy with a great sense of humour..one that can cut through the drama creatively and sensitively..you're totally blessed! I think you're amazing, moving into a new home, renovating while looking after little kids...very tiring.

bellamia said...


Gretchen O. said...

Smart man! Hope you have a great playdate, it is such a nice day!

Stitchfork said...

too funny!
Love all the purple splahes!

Anonymous said...

LOL that is so funny, love the images, gotta love a splash of pink x

Sal said...

Love these images! Wonderful homey feelings =)


paula said...

haha. such a charmer he is.

Single Stone Studios said...

oh my gosh tht made me laugh. you definitely got a keeper :)

tarheel said...

hilarious. he's a good one.

Avery Leigh Cox said...

That first image is to die for! So cute!

Life of Style said...

lol, you just made me feel better!