Sunday, July 21, 2013

i just got back from a week long beach vacay with my hubbie's fam.  while some people would roll their eyes to a week w/ the in-laws, i am one of the fortunate few who loves hers.  i love watching my children play with their cousins, sitting at the beach relaxing (just kidding, you cannot relax at the beach when you have young children), eating great meals, and rocking on the screen porch with a glass of wine in hand.  it's always so sad when it ends.....

*images courtesy of brabourne farmsthat kind of woman, birch and bird, my french country home, tempodadelicadeza


Unknown said...

That's so great that you enjoy your time with your in-laws! And can I just say how much I appreciated that you acknowledged that vacation with children is not particularly relaxing?! One of the harder parts of adjusting to parenthood for me :)

Unknown said...

Love the photography!

Ivy Lane said...

Lovely! Summer is flying by so fast...

Love your blog...just added it to my blog roll!

Happy Weekend...


Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun! We're heading to Martha's Vineyard with my in-laws in a couple weeks. There will be NO relaxation (small kids here too) but, hopefully, lots of fun!
Beautiful images!

Unknown said...

guys i also have some

Anonymous said...

Love your blog & THnkz for the